Chapter 9: Letting go

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Your P.O.V:
Ever since you'd first seen your family, you'd kept close tabs on them, ensuring that they weren't in a saddened state over your death.
Every now and then, they would be reminded of it, and would get a little sad, but that was it.
They tried not to be reminded of it, going on by the motto: She wouldn't want us to cry, or she wouldn't want us to be sad.
And that was true. Yeah, you missed your family, and they missed you, but you didn't want them to form their entire lives around your death.. you wanted them to be happy. The same thing goes for you. Not only would you hurt Yato obsessing over your past, but you would also just be stuck, trying to have something that was already long gone. You needed to be happy with what you had now, and sure enough, you were.
There were a few more things that you wanted to know about your past, but the main thing, the state of your family, was number one and you'd already discovered it.
As for Yukine.. lots of things were still in question about the matter. What about what Yato said? You wanted Yukine to have the same peace and settlement with his past as you had with yours.
Then you could both finally move on.
So, that was your new mission. Finish the remaining pieces of the puzzle.
You, Hiyori, Yato, and Yukine strolled along the beachside.
Lately, everything had been fairly depressing and stressful. You all deserved at least one relaxing day away from the typical god/regalia life.
You took tiny licks of your icecream, savoring its chocolatey taste.
"Hey, (Y/n)?" Hiyori's voice chimed next to you.
Your eyes drifted over to her, curious of what she wanted.
"Where's your swimsuit?" She asked, as you took notice of her girly pink polka dotted bikini.
You didn't have very many clothes due to the 5 yen situation, and you hadn't been working frequently.
Your beach outfit consisted of your hair pulled up into a messy (h/c) bun, a wrinkly tanktop, and some of Yukine's shorts that he'd allowed you to borrow.
Those were also a bit baggy too, as he usually didn't consider sizes.
"I don't have one.. I wasn't planning on swimming, so.." you trailed off noticing that Yato and Yukine were both wearing swimming trunks beside Hiyori.
You dropped your chocolate ice cream on the ground in shock.
"You guys said you weren't swimming!!!" You yelled at them, whilst glaring.
"(Y/n)!!! I spent 50 yen on that, don't waste it!!" Yato cried over your wasted ice cream, and fell to scoop it into his mouth.
You all cringed at the gross action before Hiyori intervened about the swimsuit situation.
"I could buy you a swimsuit, (Y/n)!"
Hiyori inquired, clapping her hands together.
You immediately felt guilty, not wanting to have Hiyori spend her money on you. You could work for your own things.
"No, no, you don't have to do that, Hiyori, I don't want to put that burden on you!"
She shook her head, as if you weren't convincing enough.
"Pfftt. Good try, (Y/n). Seriously though, we'll get a cute one!" Hiyori said grabbing your wrist, and pulling you down the boardwalk.
"Uh.. we'll be back!!" You said to Yato and Yukine who were left standing mindlessy.

You and Hiyori searched the beach front for at least fifteen minutes before finding a shack that actually sold swimsuits.
Hiyori continuously picked out swimsuits, but you rejected them all. Not because they weren't cute, but because you felt insecure about wearing one.
"(Y/n) there has to be at least one swimsuit that you'll like.." Hiyori said shuffling through the swim suit rack.
"Its not that I don't like them.. its just.. what if I look bad, Hiyori?" You asked her self conciously while looking down at your sluggish attire.
Hiyori stared at you in disbelief, pausing her search.
"Are you serious? (Y/n) its not even a question of how beautiful you are! You look good in every single thing you put on. Plus, Yukine might like this one especially..." she said lifting your spirits, and pulling out a pure white bikini with fringe on the top.
She held it out to you, her pink hues urging you to try it on.
"Don't you think its a little.. revealing?" You said, looking the garment up and down.
You were all for cute outfits, but when it came to more skimpy outfits, you were pretty skeptical.
"Its fine, just put it on! I promise you won't regret wearing it." Hiyori consoled you, while pushing you into a stall to change into it.
"Fine," you gave in, limply taking the swimsuit and going to change.
Hiyori and Yukine sure had a knack for convincing people.
After paying for the swimsuit, you and Hiyori set off to find the boys.
Not searching for long, you found them not too far from where you all previously just were.
"Aggh!! Yukine cut it out, you little bastard!!" Yato screamed, his body squirming around in a mass of sand.
"Stay still!! You're gonna mess it up!!" Yukine said in an irritated tone, trying to perfect his buried Yato masterpiece.
Hiyori smiled whilst happily rolling her eyes and walking over to them.
"Guys we're baaack!" She chimed voraciously.
Yato finally noticed your presence, and his baby blue eyes set on you with a look of annoyance.
"Do.. do I look bad?" You said self conciously, attempting to conceal yourself.
"No, its just that when Yukine sees you half naked like that, he'll probably blight me to death."
You shot Hiyori a grimacing look, to which she responded with an innocent giggle.
To that remark, Yukine finally turned around and noticed you, his golden hues lighting up when he took sight of your features.
You immediately felt a blush warming up your cheeks, as you brushed a velvety strand of your hair behind your ear.
"Hey if you're not gonna blight me to death, try not to kill me with that affectionate lovey dovey stuff." Yato intervened from the sand, earning annoyance from Hiyori.
"Shut up, Yato! They're having a moment!!" "I don't care. If I see them stare at each other like that one more time, I swear-"
You and Yukine both laughed at the argument Yato and Hiyori were having.
"You wanna swim..?" Yukine hesitantly asked you.
You responded with a nod, and a warm smile.
Hand and hand, you both walked down to the edge of the shore, Yukine immediately jumping in.
But you were slightly hesitant. Knowing that you died of drowning, you weren't exactly that fond of water anymore.
"(Y/n)? Are you coming in..?" Yukine asked, waiting for you in the water.
"I don't think I can, Yukine." You said anxiously, looking away from him.
He frowned, grabbing your wrist, and slowly pulling you towards the water.
"I know this is because of your past, but we aren't in the past anymore. We're here, and now is all that matters." Yukine encouraged you, his eyes donning their familiar convincing look. It was as if he could control you just by looking into at you.
And so you did it, you stepped in, the nostalgic feeling of cool water cleansing your feet returning.
Damn how you missed that feeling.
It was your guilty pleasure.
But in this life, that was how it would be known. You were done being defined by the negatives of your past life. For now, its all about the present, and right now you were determined to have fun.
You smirked, joining Yukine in the water, and pulling him underneath.
"Hey!!" He said coming back up to the surface, his usual blonde hair now faded and soaked.
He pushed you underneath, whilst pulling you in for a hug.
God you loved this. You missed being able to have fun, being able to not worry about everything. So you decided to let go. This was your new life. And man, you loved it.

Sooo I know this kinda shys away from the main storyline, but it was because I wanted the little sad chapters streak to end, and I figured that this would be a good way to do it. Plus I got inspiration from hanging out with friends at the beach a few days ago.
Anywho, I am officially on summer break, (YAS FREEDOM!!) Which means a boatload of updates, new stories, updates, and more!! Yay!! Anyways, did you guys enjoy this chapter? Let me know! Please vote, comment, and favorite! Love you guys!!- Drama Typhoon

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