Snape in DADA

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~Outside, daytime~

The Whomping Willow idly casts off a few withering leaves. Sir Cadogan: (V.O.) "What villains are these that trespass upon my private lands!"

~Grffindor Common Room~

The Fat Lady has been replaced by a painting of a tiny knight (Sir Cadogan). Stalking a bare stretch of grass as his pony grazes nearby, he brandishes his sword wildly as a group of Gryffindors regards him warily. Sir Cadogan: "Who dares challenge Sir Cadogan! Back, you scurvy braggarts! You rogues!" Y/n: "I can't deal with this." Seamus: "He's barking mad!" Dean: "What d'you expect? After what happened to the Fat Lady, none of the other pictures would take the job." Neville: "But he keeps changing the password. Twice just this morning! I've taken to keeping a list." As Neville holds up a wrinkled piece of parchment, Harry, Ron, and Hermione begin to exit. Sir Cadogan: "Farewell, comrades! If ever you have need of noble heart and steely sinew, call upon Sir Cadogan!" Ron: "Yeah, we'll call you... if we ever need someone mental."

~Lupins Class~

SNAP! Snape pulls down a screen over the blackboard and turns. Y/n is reading over a list of werewolves trying to find the perfect pair for Lupin. Snape: "Turn to page 394." As the students eye Snape with guarded curiosity, Malfoy finishes scrawling something on a bit of paper and balls it up in his hands. As he opens them, a moth flutters from his palms. Harry: "Excuse me, sir, but... where's Professor Lupin?" Y/n growls in frustration. Snape: "That's not really your concern, is it, Potter? Suffice it to say, your Professor finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time. Page 394." Y/n: "Found it!" Y/n goes to leave. Snape waves the moth away, blows out a candle and a slide show begins. Snape: "You're dismissed, Ms. Y/n. I know you have to work on a new arrival coming to your reserve." Y/n: "Thanks!" Before Y/n could leave Dumbledore walks in with a well-dressed man. Y/n: "Just the man I was looking for. Can you stay with the new arrival threw the phases?" ???: "I thought you would ask that. Of course, although it's been a while." Y/n: "I still need to find a mooncalf for him though." ???: "O have no doubt. We'll make sure everything is prepared." Y/n: "Thank you." y/n sits back down next to Tom. ???: "We'll see you at the full moon." Y/n: "I'll be there." ???: "As expected from a beta." ??? turns to leave. ???: "And one last thing." Y/n: "Hmm?" ???: "The griffins are getting restless without you." Y/n: "Thank you, Wyatt." Wyatt: "No problem." Wyatt leaves. Y/n looks at the screen and her anger is evident. An ancient woodcut of a horrific beast flickers at the front of the room. Ron frowns down at his book. Ron: "Werewolves?" Hermione: "But, sir, we've only just begun learning about Red Caps and Hinkypunks. We're not meant to start nocturnal beasts for weeks --" Snape: "Quiet!" Y/n: "But that's not how lessons work?!" Snape: "Y/n. Don't question-" Y/n: "Are you doing this on purpose?" Y/n's eyes held onto unbridled fury. Snape: "Y/n-" Y/n: "I hope that isn't the case, or there will be problems." Ron: (to Harry) "When did she come in? Did you see her come in..." Y/n was having a stare-off with Snape until she felt something rub against her leg. Y/n looks down. Y/n: "How did you get out?" Y/n crouches down and leaves her hand out for it to come closer. Everyone watches. Y/n: "It's okay." The ??? rubs its head against her hand. Everyone gasps. Y/n: "You shouldn't have come. You know it's too dangerous. We don't know if anyone will go after you to harness its ability of precognition, like Grindlewald." ??? makes a few noises as it tries to climb into her arms. Y/n: "Okay! Okay!" Y/n picks up the qilin and sits in her chair with it. Draco glares at her.  Snape: "Is that a qilin (Chillin)?" Y/n: "It's okay love." Y/n sits crisscrossed on the chair. The qilin lays down on top of her. Y/n is stroking the qilin. Tom: "Wow." Y/n uses wandless magic to write notes. Snape: "Now. Which of you can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a werewolf?" Y/n: "I'm a cat!" Snape: "The difference! Not what your Animagus is." As the class stares mutely at a slide of an attacking werewolf, Hermione waiting desperately for someone to respond to Snape's question, the moth flutters by Harry. SWAT! He pins it to his desk. A tiny cloud of moth dust mushrooms into the air and Harry lifts his palm. Malfoy's parchment has reappeared. Snape: "No one? How... disappointing." Hermione: "Please, sir, an Animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal. A werewolf has no choice in the matter. Furthermore, the werewolf actively hunts humans and responds only to the call of its own kind --" Y/n: "That's not all correct. Werewolves can control themselves, and do respond to humans. A werewolf can master the transformation enough to keep it's human side present after transformation." Malfoy lets out a low howl. Snape: "Quiet, Malfoy! Though one must admit to feeling your pain. That is the second time you have spoken out of turn, Miss Granger. Tell me. Are you incapable of restraining yourself? Or do you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all? Ms. Y/n, I know you work with werewolves and other creatures all of the time, but please refrain yourself." Ron: (to Harry) "He's got a point, you know." Harry stares at the parchment. Malfoy has drawn a crude caricature of Harry in his Quidditch robes being struck by lightning over and over. Snape: "Five points from Gryffindor!" Y/n: "Mmm?" Tom: "Pass me a quill?" Snape: "Why are you talking?" Tom: "Just asking or a quill." Snape: (to the class) "As an antidote to your ignorance, I prescribe two rolls of parchment on the werewolf by Monday morning, with particular emphasis placed on recognizing it. (suddenly) Passing notes, Potter?" Y/n: "Check my satchel." Tom: "Thanks." Snape snatches the drawing from under Harry's nose. Eyes it. Y/n: *Whispering*"What did Draco send? I can't see from here." Snape: "Not exactly Picasso, are you, Draco?" Draco's face flushes. Y/n trying to see. Snape shows her. Y/n: "Hahh." Tom: "I hope you demonstrate more talent on the Quidditch pitch this weekend then you do as an artist, Draco." Y/n: "If not, I fear you'll perish, given the weather forecast." Snape: *Towards Harry* "Until that time, however, you'll forgive me if I don't let you off homework. Should you die, I assure you... you need not hand it in." Malfoy sniggers with Crabbe, Coyle, and pike as Snape turns away. Harry glances down at the drawing once more and we hear a true rumble of thunder and a stitch of lightning. As it strikes one of the golden quidditch rings and the clouds bloom with icy blue light. Far below, in the stands, rain lashes the sea of umbrellas. As one flies free, soaring end over end into the sky, the crowd explodes and two Quidditch squads -- Gryffindor in Scarlett, Hufflepuff in canary-yellow -- shoot into the air. Twin bludgers fire skyward, and the match is on. Harry, rising like a rocket through the mist, his robes snapping violently in the wind. As he flies, rain falls like needles before him, every dark cloud concealing potential danger. Beaters crisscross his path. A bludger whizzes past, then a second rockets directly at him. SWOOP! -- Harry ducks and watches the bludger shatter the broom of a Hufflepuff beater. The Beater goes into a wild spiral and vanishes in the mist.

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