The End

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I don't know if I ever showed what Elijah looks like. But here he is above ↑

~Whomping Willow~

As Pettigrew emerges from the gap, he prattles desperately: Pettigrew: "Turn me into a maggot. A dung beetle. A Flobberworm! Anything but the Dementors... (as Ron emerges) Ron! Haven't I been a good friend? A good pet? You won't let them kill me, will you? I was your rat..." As Ron draws back in disgust, a sleepwalking Snape BUMPS his head against a low limb. Hermione turns to Harry. Hermione: "Don't worry. He's under the Somnambulist Charm. It's primarily used to transport the seriously deranged. Y/n taught it to me." As Harry nods, Pettigrew's pleading eyes find Hermione. Pettigrew: "Sweet girl. Clever girl. Surely you won't let them..." Y/n: "Eli! Welcome!" Elijah: "Where's my newbie?" Y/n points to Remus. Elijah walks towards him. Hermione tugs her robes from Pettigrew's sweaty grasp. Pettigrew: "My La-" Tom: "Don't talk to her." Pettigrew: "My Lord, haven't i been loyal to you the whole-" Tom: "Out of fear. If you try to talk to one of us againg I will avada kedavra you." Harry turns and sees Black staring in wonder at the castle, shining radiantly under the bright bowl of the night sky. Sirius: "Beautiful, isn't it? I'll never forget the first time I walked through those doors. It'll be nice to do it again. Freely. (turning to Tom) That was a noble thing you did back there. He doesn't deserve it. It was fairly redeeming of you." Tom: "Well love can make you do crazy out of character things." Harry studies Pettigrew briefly and looks away. Lost in thought. Harry: "I don't reckon my father'd want his best friends to become killers for a worthless piece of vermin like Pettigrew. Besides: Dead, the truth dies with him. Alive... you're free." Sirius studies Harry's profile, moved by this. Sirius: "I don't know if you know, Harry, but when you were born, James and Lily made me your guardian..." Harry: "I know." Sirius: "And, well, I'll understand if you choose to stay with your aunt and uncle, but, so you know, you could --" Harry: "I'm going to live and work with Y/n and Tom on the reserve. I'm sure she'd be more than happy for you to live with her. Sirius Black: "Soon as my name's cleared..." Y/n: "We'd be glad to house you." Harry looks at Hogwarts. Grins. Sirius does the same. Then, Hermione's voice rises on the air, quavering with fear. Hermione: "Harry..." He turns, see Hermione staring at the FULL MOON. His eyes shift. Lupin is a rigid silhouette, his fingers twitching. Sirius: "Remus, old friend... did you take your potion tonight?" Lupin, twitching, shakes his head. Pettigrew's eyes dart, taking in the situation, then slowly shift, note the wand trembling in Lupins fist. Sirius: "Run. All of you. Now." But none of them do, transfixed, watching as bristles poke through Lupin's skin. Black steps forward, wraps his arms around his friend, presses his mouth to his ear. Sirius: "You know the man you truly are, Remus. This flesh is only flesh. This heart is where you truly live. This heart! Here!" As Lupin's wand drops... Pettigrew leaps. Tom: *Bored out of his mind* "Immobulus." He immobilizes Pettigrew completely. A howl pierces the air and Harry wheels. With a shrug, Lupin tosses Black into the air, then turns. He is no longer human. He's a werewolf. Harry and Hermione begin to edge back. Hermione: "Professor...?" Y/n: "Elijah, now!" The werewolf's eyes blaze. Long teeth glitter. Then... a horrifying growl erupts from its throat. Harry and Hermione spin, begin to flee... and run flat into Snape. As they collapse in a great clumsy pile, Snape's eyes flutter open, the spell broken. Seeing Hermione atop him, he sweeps her aside... Snape: "Out of the way!" ... and finds the werewolf preparing to pounce. Leaping to his feet, Snape draws his wand and steps forward, shielding Hermione, Harry and Ron. Y/n: "Tackle!" A huge brown werewolf tackles Lupin. Y/n: "Try not to get too beat up." Y/n: "Did you catch him?" Tom: "He's right behind Snape." All turn to see Pettigrew mid grab. Y/n: "Let's go. The pack will take care of him now.

~Hospital Wing~

Hermione's shadow ripples against the curtain that encircles Harry's bed. A hand reaches out -- Harry's hand -- and sweeps the curtain aside. Ron lies opposite, his leg bandaged. Hermione paces. Stops. Sirius: "Harry!" Y/n: "Sirius, stop. You'll pull out the iv." Hermione: "Harry --" Harry: "Sirius!" Y/n: "You don't move either." Tom: "Madam Promfey!" Pettigrew is still frozen standing in the middle of the infirmary. Umbridge walks in all smiles. Y/n: "Dolores! Old friend." Umbrige: "Ms. Malfoy." Y/n: "Riddle. Tom and I are getting married in the summer." Umbridge: "How wonderful. It seems that the Ministry has made a small mistake and Sirius Black is free to go, with the Black Family Fourtune, and Title as Lord of the Noble House of Black. While Peter Pettigrew, goes to Azkaban for the crimes he commited. In a cell designed for animagi." Y/n: "He's a rat that's missing a toe." Umbridge: "Noted. There will be a public announcement tomorrow." She turns on her heels and walks off. A few Aurors grabbed Pettigrew on the way out. Y/n: "See how you changed everything Mr. Riddle?" Tom: "Of course, soon-to-be Mrs. Riddle." y/n: "I thought you hated that name." Tom: "I'm willing to give it a second chance with you having it."

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