Sneaking out

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~Black Lake~

Y/n is petting the baby qilin, while Harry is leaning on her shoulder. Lupin: "I'm sorry about your broom, Harry. There's no chance of fixing it?" Harry shakes his head in response to Lupin's question, then -- WHOOSH! -- sets Hedwig free of her traces. Harry and Lupin watch from the lake's edge as she soars into the sky. Y/n is staring at the qilin. Y/n: "You do know you have to go back, right?" The qilin stubbornly shakes its head. Lupin: "It likes you." Y/n: "All the creatures on the reserve do." Harry: "Y/n tried. She ended up creating a hibiscus instead." Lupin: "Impressive." Harry: "Why do they affect me so, Professor? I mean, more than everyone else..." Lupin: "Dementors are among the foulest creatures that walk this earth. They feed on every good feeling, and every happy memory until a person is left with nothing but his worst experiences. You're not weak, Harry. The Dementors affect you most because there are true horrors in your past. Horrors your classmates can scarcely imagine. You have nothing to be ashamed of." Harry: "I'm scared, Professor." Lupin: "I'd consider you a fool if you weren't." Y/n coughs. Lupin: "Unless you're Y/n Malfoy. Whom deals with Dementors almost every day." Harry: "I need to learn how to fight them. You could teach me, Professor. You made that Dementor on the train go away..." Lupin: "There was only one that night..." Harry: "But you made it go away." Lupin: (a beat) "I don't pretend to be an expert, Harry. But yes, I can teach you. Perhaps after the holiday. For now, though, I need to rest. I'm feeling... tired." Y/n: "I can get Wyatt-" Lupin: "Thanks for the offer, but I'd like to wait before I meet him." Harry turns and studies Lupin's haggard face. A weary smile appears as Hedwig's reflection glides over Lupin's irises." Lupin: "Beautiful..." Harry looks up, and watches Hedwig pinwheel through the blue, past the clock tower and their sights. Lupin leaves as Y/n starts to speak. Y/n: "If it makes you feel better I also fainted with my first encounter with the dementors." Harry: "Really?" Y/n: "Yes." Harry: "Can you tell me more about it?" Y/n: "Of course! I was 5 years old, and happened to find a lone dementor..."


Five-year-old Y/n: "Mother?" The young Malfoy girl looks around for her family. Young Y/n: "Father?!" Young Y/n stumbles upon a frozen lake, unaffected by the cold temperature. Young Y/n: "Woah." Young Y/n felt something staring at her. Young Y/n: "Come out! I'm not scared of you!" Young Y/n quickly tries to find the source of the staring. Young Y/n: "Come out, now!" A dementor slowly floats closer to the young girl. It's confused by the girl. Young Y/n: "I've never heard of a dementor being so far out..." The dementor tilts its head. Young Y/n: "You must be confused on why you can't feed off of me." The dementor comes a little closer. Young Y/n: "It all starts when I was born a girl-" ???: "Excuse me!?" Y/n: "Eek!" The dementor jumps. Young Y/n faints.

~End of flashback~

Y/n: "...and that is how I fainted when I saw a dementor the first time." Harry: "You were depressed at the age of five?" Y/n: "Draco was three. I was neglected my whole life. Of course I had the ghosts but it wasn't enough back then. I needed more than just speaking to the dead." Harry: "Did they know?" Y/n: "They don't care. They didn't care. They only cared about Draco, and his happiness." Harry: "When did you become the Head of the Relocation and Protection Agency." Y/n: "I was 5 when I started to relocate magical creatures without the ministry's knowledge. Then they found out when I was 9 and offered me a job since I was doing a great job." Harry: "Oh..." Y/n: "You can stay with me!" Harry: "Huh?" Y/n: "Well, the ministry just gave me a mansion, and you don't like your aunt and uncle. Besides, you're like a little brother to me." Harry: "Ok, I'll ask." Y/n: "You'll just have to be fine with Matthew." Harry: "That's fine."

~Outside Hogwarts- a few weeks later~

Hogwarts castle, weeks later, is dusted in white.

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