Ron reaches the summit and disappears over the top. Hermione and Harry follow.
~Whomping Willow~
Harry and Hermione reach the top of the ridge. Stop. Hermione: "Harry. You do realize what tree this is..." Ron nabs Scabbers and cradles him in his bloody palm. Ron: "Now behave yourself." Ron is kneeling under the Whomping Willow. Harry: "That's not good. Ron! Run!" Ron spins. Looks toward Harry. Ron: "Harry! Run!" Harry's eyes shift. Bounding toward him in the gathering gloom is a huge, pale-eyed, jet-black... dog. Harry shields himself when... the dog leaps clear over him. Y.n: "How the fuck did he make that?" Tom: "I hate unwanted interuptions." Ron: "Aaaahhh!" The dog's teeth flash and -- SNAP! -- close on Ron's foot, dragging him towards the trunk like a rag doll. Instantly, Harry dashes forward, leaps out, and grabs Ron's hands... but he and Ron just keep skidding along the ground. Hermione: "I've got you --" Hermione pitches herself onto Harry's feet... and the three of them go scudding along. Ron: "Harry!" Harry raises his chin. The dog vanishes into the GAP at the base of the tree, and begins to pull Ron through... Harry: "Hold on, Ron!" But it's no use. The dog is too powerful. Harry glances around desperately, then finds himself looking directly into Ron's eyes. He can read his mind. Harry: "No, Ron..." One by one, Ron releases his fingers from Harry's forearm. Sacrificing himself. Harry: "Nooooo!!!" But Ron closes his eyes, releases his hands, and...Disappears. As his voice echoes deep into the earth... Harry and Hermione rise and peer into the hole. WHOMP! The Whomping Willow sweeps first Hermione, then Harry, into the air and -- FLOOMPH -- drops them on their backsides. The branches overhead. Swaying beautifully against the dusky sky, swishing softly. As one, they rise. Run back toward the gap in the tree. A branch swoops down. Hermione ducks. Harry doesn't. WHOOSH -- he is flung one way, his glasses the other. Hermione hops over another branch -- looks briefly pleased with herself -- only to find herself swept high in the air by a second branch. She looks down and sees Harry searching the ground for his glasses. Y/n points her wand at the tree. Y/n: "Immobulus!" The spell hits the Willow and freezes. Hermione climbs down and thanks Y/n as Tom hands Harry his glasses. The four walk toward the trunk of the tree, through the gap, and into the darkness...
~Willow's Roots~
Harry hits the ground hard after tripping. OOMPH! Hermione falls on top of him. Hermione: "Thanks." Harry: "Don't mention it. Lumos." As the tip of Harry's wand glows, reveals a long, snaking tunnel. Hermione: "Where do you suppose this goes?" Harry: "I have a hunch. I just hope I'm wrong..."
~Tunnel to the Shrieking shack~
Harry and Hermione make their way through the primitive passageway, ducking the roots that dangle overhead. Then, abruptly, the tunnel... ends. Confused, Harry and Hermione glance about, then -- as one -- peer up. A small opening. Harry reaches up and hoists himself through.
~Shrieking Shack-Decrepit Room~
Harry pulls Hermione up. Looks about. Paper peels from the walls. Stains -- suspiciously similar to dried blood -- blot the floorboards. Shattered furniture lies strewn everywhere. Y/n studies the blood. Tom: "No use those are at least a decade old." Hermione: "We're in the Shrieking Shack, aren't we? Harry doesn't answer, staring at the dog prints in the dust on the floor. The ceiling creaks. They dash to the stairs.
~Landing in the hallway~
They come out and look down. A wide, shiny stripe cuts through the dust-laden floor -- as if something has been dragged -- to the end of the hallway, where light seeps from a door. Harry: "Nox." His wand-light dies. Slowly, they step to the door. Exchange a look. She nods, wand ready, and Harry kicks the door aside.
Malfoys older sister
FanfictionY/n Malfoy is a 15-year-old Magic Creature tamer. She goes to Hogwarts with Voldemort and her younger brother, Draco. Y/n also runs a creature reserve. Contains some cursing.