Chapter 4

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We all simply glared at each other. There wasn't much more that we could do, beside panic and probably like, murder Bradley.

"Still got that knife, Dil?" Blake asked Dad while keeping his eyes directly on Bradley.

I watched Dad place his hand over his work belt. "No, but I do have a taser."

"Stand up," Blake demanded. We all stood back as far away as possible from him. "Are you messing around? Or do you have a fucking contagious disease and continued to go out in public?!" Blake yelled through his teeth.

Bradley nodded and kept his eyes closed. "I'm sorry, everyone. It's only contagious by direct contact with blood and sweat if it makes its way into your eyes, nose, or mouth. So as long as none of you touch me, we should be good." He shrugged like that made things okay. "That lifts some fear, right?"

"I touched you," my dad said nervously. "I touched you when we were helping Jade out. You got sweat on me. And then we all ate."

Bradley opened his mouth to speak, but he didn't say anything. He just stuttered until he gave up and turned away. I almost felt bad for him, I mean, he seems a little messed up in the head. And whoever let him out of quarantine should get some blame. But he's smart enough to know not to go near people, that's for damn sure.

"Did you touch him?" Dad asked me. He stood away from me and everyone else.

"No. I didn't even go near him."

He took a deep breath. "Good. I don't need people calling me a bad father for something like that. You don't let anyone touch you. Got it?"

I simply nodded and looked at Austin, whose jaw was dropped still. "What's gonna happen to him?" He questioned, running a hand through his hair and looking back between my dad and Bradley.

"He's probably going to get really bad symptoms. Dizziness, vomiting. I'm sorry, Dillon." Bradley sat back down on the floor and rested his head against the wall.

"You're not getting out of it this easily!" Blake fumed. "If I die and you live, I will sue the shit out of-"

"There's no way I'll make it out alive. I didn't bring any of my meds with me."

"Why the hell not?"

Bradley opened his eyes and looked at Blake, then shut them again and fell right asleep.

"You're not fucking dying yet! If you die, it's from me killing you!" Blake yelled. He repeatedly kicked Bradley's foot and I had to grab him and pull him away.

"He's only sleeping, chill out!"

He looked at me. "Kid, your dad's gonna die cause of this man? Understand?"

"I get that, but can't you tell the guy's got mental problems? He-"

"Sit down," my dad instructed. "Stop getting yourself involved in these conversations, you're better off keeping quiet."

I looked at Dad and shook my head. He always does this, he doesn't let me speak and he constantly cuts me off. Even if I legitimately have something relevant to say. But I decided to just sit down. At least these people know I talk.

The same old voice from before came through the speakers, telling us that they were gonna turn out the lights so we could sleep. They mentioned that they're sorry, again, for all of this, and that they're still working on more ideas to get us out.

The elevator got really quiet. No one said anything, none of us 5. I don't know what time it was, probably around midnight. The conversation was discontinued and one by one, people fell asleep. Until I was the only one awake.

Elevator 14 // Austin MahoneWhere stories live. Discover now