Chapter 7

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I mentally heard a clock ticking in my head, and it was driving me insane- If I wasn't already insane. It just would not stop. And after 4 days, do you have any idea how disgusting I felt? All I could think about was just taking a shower and brushing my teeth.

We were back on a good schedule as far as people getting us out of here. Well, it's only good compared to what it was before. 12 hours after Dad left, Brad was taken out. There was no goodbye and no apology. He left without a single word. In fact, he hadn't said anything since he woke up from being passed out.

The tick tocking in my ears was accompanied by the worst migraine I've ever had. Which is probably a result of this stupid concussion I so conveniently got.

And after Brad got out of this hellhole, and there was only us 3, I started to feel a little better. Not physically, of course, but I mentally was a bit more optimistic. After all, Brad is gone, my dad is gonna be treated and live his last moments peacefully, and none of us are dead. Yet.

Every minute felt like three. Even when Blake and Austin managed to be entertaining and cheer me up, I still couldn't get my mind off my dad. And to top it off, people were finally communicating with us down here, but the news was worse than the entire situation before. We're all infected and have to be quarantined.

The guy who took Dad and Brad back to earth died from the direct contact with them. We did warn them, so we didn't receive any blame. Our quarantine room would be the elevator until we could get a real one.

All we could do was wait.

Oh my god, this noise. I tried to cover my ears, hum to any stupid song that came in my head, and sleep to escape it, but it kept coming back. My poor dad, he probably went through so many painful thoughts while he was dying. I'm sure he had some sort of annoying noise in his head too. Maybe even a voice. Knowing your kid has to figure out her life on her own has to be scary, I can't imagine what was going on in his head.

He's gone. Holy shit, he's gone. It hits me in the face every time I forget about it.

"My dad's dead," I whispered out to the two other people in the elevator. I didn't even mean to, it just came out. Although, it was quite possible they weren't even listening. I zoned out so many times myself that I would've been surprised if they actually heard me.

"But you're not."

I looked towards where the voice came from. Austin. His eyes weren't even open, his head rested against the wall. I closed my eyes and rubbed my face. I'm alive. I'm here, I'm not in the worst situation in the world, and I'm with good people.

"Not yet," I heard Blake mumble. "Our time will come. Whether it's today, next week, or in 70 years, we're gonna die."

When I opened my eyes, Austin's were already locked with them. He slowly licked his dry lips and ran a hand through his messy hair. "Thank you for sharing information that I learned when I was 5, Blake."

Blake nodded. "No problem."

Everyone spoke in slow motion. It was like it was difficult to speak, and it kind of was. We were practically dead.

There wasn't much to talk about. We had already talked to each other about our lives for hours straight. I felt like I knew them my whole life. I heard Austin's whole story of fame, Blake's of wealth. My life seemed so boring compared to theirs. I told them I wanted an exciting life full of drama and excitement like theirs, but apparently it's not all that easy. I'll always find that hard to believe.

"Well guys," I said as I sighed. "Let's say we make it through this. You have to promise me all three of us can hang out, like, all the time."

"I promise," they said together.

Elevator 14 // Austin MahoneWhere stories live. Discover now