2: How we meet

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She woke up when the alarm start ringing.

Moon- ugh!! I hate waking up.

She sat down on the bed and stretch her muscles.

Moon- Its time for workout.

She went inside the bathroom, washed her face, changed her dress and head toward the home gym.

She went inside and Seojoon stopped after seeing her and said.

Seojoon- Yo bitch!

Moon- Stop it. Don't test my patience.

Seojoon- Omo I am scared.

He said with fake scared expression.

The girl ignored him and start working out.

Seojoon- You know what nothing will change in you even if you workout.

Moon- did I asked for your opinions??

Seojoon- That was rude. Oh my heartu.

He said and placed his hand on his chest pretending to be hurt.

Moon- I wonder till now why didn't you died because I hurt your heart daily.

Seojoon- its because my heart is strong.

Moon- Why?? It also hit gym?

??- Hahaha

They heard a laughing sound and turned their head to found hyun bin standing there.

Moon- Dad what are you doing here??

Hyun bin- I will tell that later first of all Moon you are really savage.

Moon- of course because I am Y/n- I am Moon.

She said with a awkward laugh.

Seojoon- And that's why she hurt my heart everytime.

He said trying to cover the awkwardness.

Moon- Ya and you never died btw dad why did you come??

Hyun bin- huh about that I come to tell something.

Seojoon- of course uncle you will come here to tell something because you are too old for workout.

Hyun bin- what do you mean by I am too old huh? I am more strong than you.

Moon- We know dad you are to strong and can make a child here, now come to the point.

Hyun bin- My y/n-iee is not a child anymore.

He said with a fake shocking expression.

Seojoon- Y/n did you watched what I am thinking.

Moon- ever heard of biology?? You don't even have to see those nasty thing because biology can teach you everything. And dad tell why you come??

Hyun bin- Ya actually I come here to tell you that I am announcing the world that you are my daughter. I know Moon or should I say Y/n? I know you are not my real daughter but for the world you have to become my daughter as your enemy can get suspicious on you.

Moon- You are right dad. I respect your decision you can do that.

He smiled at the girl and left from there.

Seojoon- I am going to take a bath.

Moon- If possible then drown in the bathtub.

He passed me deadly glare and went outside.

Moon- I still remember the day I met him.


A girl was lying in a alley all injured.... Yes she is Moon. She came on a mission all alone but ended up hurting her.

She was hissing in pain when she heard a voice.

??- Are you okay??

Moon- Do I look like??

??- I am sorry let me take you my home so I can treat you.

Moon- No need just take me my home.

??- but you are bleeding.

Moon- just do as I say.

She yelled.

??- okay okay don't yell and tell me the address.

Moon- it's ************.

He helped her to stand and went toward his car and helped her to sit.

He stopped the car and took the girl inside with him.

The man who was waiting for his daughter stopped when he saw her injured and with a boy.

He ran toward them.

Hyun bin- Moon...

He whispered and called the doctor

Doctor- She is fine just take care of her.

Hyun bin- I will.

He bowed to the doctor and went toward the boy.

Hyun bin- Thank you for saving my child.

??- its nothing to say thank you.

Hyun bin- what's your name boy??

??- its Seojoon.

Hyun bin- Thank you Seojoon for helping my daughter.

Seojoon- it's fine uncle but Perhaps she is a mafia?

Hyun bin- What?? Of course no.

Seojoon- Don't lie uncle I saw gun with her and even my parents were mafia.

Hyun bin- Were??

Seojoon- They suddenly disappeared and didn't come back.

Hyun bin- I am so sorry. And she is a mafia.

Seojoon- Can I work with her??

Hyun bin- huh?

Seojoon- I want to find my parents but it's not possible. I want a mafia help to find my parents so please.

Hyun bin- Boy you should do something good instead of coming in mafia mess.

Seojoon- uncle please I really want to find my parents.

Hyun bin- fine but promise me after finding them you will leave the mafia work.

Seojoon- I will.

Flashback end-

And that's how we meet. I still remember how he saved me. I am glad he came that day or else I would have died.

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