The Avengers -2

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Russia, Solenski Plaza, 3rd Floor

In the outskirts near a rail road, a still in construction building is occupied by Georgi Luchkov, a Russian general with his thugs.

In the middle of the room, there is a woman sitting, seemingly in between of an interrogation. It is Natasha Romanoff, the great Black Widow.

Luchkov backhands her but she doesn't show any sign of pain of fear.

"What the hell? " Almost everyone in the great Hall shouts. Even the Avengers aren't pleased, though they know Nat can take care of herself while the said women just rolls her eyes at their overacting.

Luchkov walks towards her smiling and starts speaking in Russian.

LUCHKOV:This isn't how I wanted this evening to go.

NATASHA: I know how you wanted this evening to go. Believe me, this is better.

LUCHKOV: I'd like to know why they sent you to carry out the carrier, a stained glass and other random items.

The thug holds her chair back, balancing her on the edge of an open floor. Natasha's face now shows a little ounce of fear.

NATASHA: I thought General Solohob was in charge of the export business.

LUCHKOV: Solohob? Your reputation is quite a progression. The famous Black Widow nothing but a pretty face.

NATASHA: You really think I'm pretty?

"Of course you're pretty. "

"Hell, yeah! "

"You're fucking gorgeous. "

A lot of similar phrases echoed making Natasha smirk.
"No need to make her already Jupiter sized ego even big. " Tony huffed making Natasha smack his head HARD.

"Oww! Women. "

Luchkov walks towards a table filled with tools. He picks up a pair of pilers. The tall thug opens her mouth wide open.

LUCHKOV: We do not need the Lermontov to transfer the tanks. Tell him, well...
(In english) You may have to write it down.

Suddenly, Weasley Thug's phone rings. He answers it, confused.

(Looks at luchkov) It's for you.

Luchkov looks pissed, but takes the phone...

LUCHKOV: Who the hell is...

PHIL: You're at 114 Solenski Plaza, 3rd floor. We have an F22 exactly 8 miles out. Put the woman on the phone Or I'll blow up the block before you can make the lobby.

"How does he know where you were? " Draco dumbly asked Natasha.

" I don't know, maybe because we work for the same agency. " She replied sarcastically and huffed.

Luchkov places the phone on Natasha's ear seeing she was tied to a chair with her hands behind her back.

PHIL: We need you to come in.

NATASHA: Are you kidding? I'm working.

"Working?! What kind of work is that? " Lily screeched making everyone cover their ears, even James who has been living with her for years.

"My kind. " Nat sassed back.

Lily looked at Vera, " Sweetheart, you shouldn't be with these people. They are dangerous and bad influence on you. Come sit with us. "

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