The Avengers-5

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Steve is watching a video of Hulk.

A lot of people look warily at the Hulk on the screen and then do the same to Bruce. Natasha and Vera glare at everyone who looks at him.

Faceless Pilot (to Phil): We're about forty minutes out from home base, sir.

Phil stands up from his chair and walks over to Steve.

Steve: So, this Doctor Banner was trying to replicate the serum they used on me?

"What serum?" Dumbledore asked greedily making a lot of people give him distrustful looks, while his 'supporters' stupidly think that he's just asking for curiosity.

" It's a serum that helps people to eat as much as they want without getting fat and increasing weight." Vera told him and a lot of people snickered knowing their is no such thing. While Dumblewhore's (sorry dore's) blood is boiling, not liking the way there new comers are treating him. If he would have been a cartoon character, one could have seen smoke coming out of his ears and nose.

"Wait! Really?!" Ron asked with a hopeful look on his face making everyone laugh.

"No, you moron. She's being sarcastic." Hermione huffed a laugh at him.

Ron slumped down in his seat, disappointed.

Phil: A lot of people were. You were the world's first superhero. Banner thought gamma radiation might hold the key to unlock Erskine's original formula.

Steve: Didn't really go his way, did it?

Phil: No so much. When he's not that thing though guy's like a Stephen Hawking. - Steve looks confused. - He's like a - smart person.

Everyone who knows about Stephen Hawking looks at Bruce in admiration and he smiles politely at them.

While Clint takes in Phil's facial expression.

"He's about to make a fool of himself, isn't he?"

Natasha and Vera nodded their head in agreement.

"He totally is!"

Phil: I gotta say- it's an honor to meet you, officially. I sort of met you, I mean I watched you while you were sleeping. I mean, I was, I was present while you were unconscious from the ice.

"Real life Edward Cullen." Someone commented making people snort.

Phil(continued): You know it's really- it's just a just a huge honor to have you on board. Its-

Steve: Well, I hope I'm the man for the job.

"Always so polite, Captain."

Phil: Oh, you are absolutely. Ah- we made some modifiable to the uniform. I had a little design input.

Steve: The uniform? Aren't the stars and stripes a little...........old fashioned?

Phil: Everything that's happening, the things that are about to come to light, people might just need a little old- fashioned.

"True words."

" I told you to stop on the Commentry Ronald! "

DAY 43

Two soldiers run down the tunnel...... We hear them coming. They run down into the lad where dozens of men are working, including Selvig. Loki sits and watches, spear in hand. It glows and he is transported to another world.

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