Letter from the Sorcerer Supreme

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Fourteen years ago on the same date Evelyn Euphemia Potter was taken away from her parents.
People say time heals even the most severe wounds but this wound for the Potters didn't, it was just hidden beneath the facade of fake happiness and joy. Yes they had Harry and they loved him with all their heart but the pain of losing ones first child is something no one should go through, something no one ever forgets or gets over.

Fourteen years later James and Lily enter the room of their daughter along with their best friends, Sirius Lupin-Black and Remus Lupin-Black, tears already running down their faces.

"I miss her so much, Padfoot. I miss my little Eve. " James sobbed as Sirius hugged him.

"It's been so long. Do you think she even remembers us? " Lily cried and asked others as Remus tried to calm her.

"You'll find her one day. I know. " Remus tried to assure his friends as well as himself, having missed his goddaughter himself.

"Yeah, we'll continue to find her, no matter how long it takes." Sirius added tears evident in his own eyes.

All four of them broke down and cried while holding each other.

After a while they got control and put themselves together. As they were going out of the room suddenly an orange portal opened and a letter flew through it which was caught by Remus.

He read the letter and his eyes widened. Seeing the reaction of his friend James took the letter out of his hand and read the letter aloud himself.

Dear Potters and Lupin-Blacks
Your daughter is alive and well. I'm someone who knows about her and where she is. If you want to know about her and meet her come to Hogwarts as soon as possible she will be there in some time.
Sorcerer Supreme

After reading the letter fury on James' face was evident while there was a bit hope in others eyes.

"We should go there." Lily and Remus said at the same time.

Sirius nodded while James without saying or doing anything ran out of his home to apparate and the rest followed him.


At Hogwarts it was like any other day. The students were chatting and eating their breakfast, waiting for their classes to start.

Suddenly, a group of people barged through the door of Great Hall, lead by the Potters.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS, DUMBLEDORE? " James shouted at his previous Headmaster while Lily was at his side, tears flowing on her face.

Harry looked at his parents shocked, never have seen his father shout like this or his mother crying like this before. He ran and hugged his mother seeing her condition.

"What do you mean, James, my boy?" Dumbledore asked calmly.

James went and handed the letter to him. Dumbledore read the letter and his face paled knowing what would happen if, they found everything about the first Potter child. He looked at the rest of the group which included, the Weasleys, the Malfoys, Bellatrix Lestrange, Mad-eye Moody and Amelia Bones.

"We all received same letter saying we need to come here for something urgent and really important." Amelia Bones told everyone along with the Headmaster.

"What is it?" Harry asked his godfather.

"It's about you sister. Someone sent a letter saying they know where she is and that she will be here in a while." Sirius told him.

"Eve? Really? Please don't tell me this is some kind of sick joke. Cause it's not all funny. " Harry roared in anger startling everyone. No one has seen the always polite and sometimes awkward boy this angry. He may not remember his sister but everyone told her how she used to love him and never leave his side even if she was just two years older than him. He clearly loved and missed her a lot.

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