The Avengers-3

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A little girl runs, trying to force her way through the crowd.


The girl runs up the steps only to be stopped by a woman. The girl spots the local doctor, Bruce Banner.

Woman: What are you doing here?! Get out! You shouldn't be here!

Little girl: My father...

Banner looks behind him to see how the little girl looking at the people, lying down, looking very sick.

Bruce: Is he like them?

The little girl takes out the money she has.

Little girl: Please.

"Oh god!! You have to help her. " A lot of people said at the same time, feeling pity for the little girl. Vera and Natasha have smirks on their faces while Bruce looks uncomfortable.


Banner and the girl hastily run to the edge of the town. The girl gets ahead of Banner, he sees a local government car and turns around blocking himself from the view.

Banner after that quickly follows the girl into her house. As he walks in, the girls escapes through the window. Bruce is left standing there, feeling like a dumbass.

Bruce: Should have got paid upfront, Banner.

A lot of people chuckle at his comment.
"Definitely should have. " Vera and Natasha smirked making Bruce give them an unamused look.

Natasha and Vera come from behind the curtains and Banner quietly turns around.

Vera: You know, for a man who is supposed to be avoiding stress....

Natasha: picked a hell of a place to settle.

Banner: Avoiding stress isn't the secret.

Natasha: Then, what is it?

Vera: Yoga.

Banner: You brought me to the edge of the city, smart. I, uh.......assume the entire place is surrounded?

Vera: Just you and us.

Banner: And your actress buddy, is she a spy too? Do they start that young?

Vera: We did.

Natasha: We started younger, to be exact.

People send sympathetic glances towards both of them, which they ignore. When you look at them both, you'll see how similar they are, from their red hair to brown eyes, to the same sarcastic and sassy attitude, they are a copy of each other.

Something Lily notices, which makes her blood boil and she sends a heated glare at Natasha, Vera notices and returns returns the glare, not liking how her 'so-called' mother is looking at someone who she considers an older sister and her mentor. Lily huffs and leans back in her seat.

Banner: Who are you?

Natasha: Agent Natasha Romanoff.

Vera: Agent Vera Kozlov.

Bruce: Are you here to kill me, Miss Romanoff? Miss Kozlov? Because that's not gonna work out for everyone.

Natasha: No, no. Of course not. We're here on behalf of SHIELD.

Banner : SHIELD? How did they find me?

Vera: We never lost you, doctor. We've kept our distance, even helped some other interested parties off your scent.

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