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"Love—" Minhyung rushed towards the younger, roughly pushing the woman away who had a satisfactory smirk on her face.

Before the older could reach the younger, Donghyuck had already left the scene, running.

Donghyuck avoided all the staffs that wished him or greeted him and came out of the building. All the staffs looked at him with questioning faces but he ignored all.

He took a cab and told the driver to drive to the farthest hotel.

Donghyuck was not stable at the moment, he couldn't think of anything other than the scene that he saw a few minutes ago.

Tears welled up and he sniffled. He let out a deep breath before wiping the tears away using the back of his hand.

It was an hour ride. Clueless of what to do next, Donghyuck paid the cab driver and stood in front of the tall hotel.

It looked grand. Kim&Moon Hotel

He didn't want to go back to his house, at least not now, he wasn't ready to face anyone at the moment. So he decided to be alone.

He booked himself a room which did cost him alot but he had his savings which were more than enough for him to stay for at least a week or so.

He sighed before flopping on the hotel bed. It was soft and warm.

He shifted on the bed, finding a comfortable position. He sighed for the nth time that day before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep hoping that he'll feel better when he woke up.


"Fuck. Hyuck pick up the call. Please..... love."
Minhyung cursed as the younger didn't pick up his call.

It's been an hour and there was no sign of the younger. Minhyung was going crazy. He searched everywhere he could but the younger was found no where.

He groaned and yelled a loud "fuck" before throwing his phone away in the corner of his office.

He furrowed his brows and sat on his seat. He couldn't think of anywhere where the younger would be.

It was all his fault. He was stupid.

"Sir." Jeno's voice echoed through Minhyung's silent office.

Minhyung looked up and Jeno immediately looked down. His boss looked like he could kill anyone right now.

"Sir Mr.Kim called and said he wants to talk to you. It's important." Jeno said and the next thing he heard was Minhyung shouting over the poor guy.

"What's more important than finding my Hyuck!? Lee Jeno leave and don't come in unless you have an information about my Hyuck!!"

Jeno let out a "yes sir" before bowing 90° and leaving the room as fast as he could.

Minhyung covered his face with his hands and let out a sigh.

Hyuck where are you? Please come back.

Just then the door opened and a tall figure walked inside.
"Why are you not picking up my calls?"

"Hyung I'm not in the mood to do any business." Minhyung tiredly looked up and replied the older.

Doyoung sat on the couch before looking at the younger," I know. I'm not here for any business. I heard that you were looking for your kid."

Minhyung figured out Johnny or Jaehyun might have told Doyoung about it. The older was his business partner as well as a friend.

"I came here to say that your kid is in my hotel." Doyoung finished his sentence and Minhyung looked up at the older with wide eyes. His lips forming a wide smile before standing up and walking towards the older, engulfing him in a hug.

"Thank you so much hyung. " Minhyung let out a sigh of relief and felt he was finally able to breath.

Doyoung smiled at the younger and patted the younger on his head ," I owe you one. Remember? Now go and get your kid. And do sort things out with him. Hmn?"

Minhyung nodded and quickly ran off leaving behind Doyoung who watched the younger stumbling and rushing out of his office.

Doyoung chuckled and shook his head. The things love makes people do. It was true that he owed a big one to the younger because if not for Minhyung then a certain someone would not have been a part of his life.


After a painful ride of an hour or so Minhyung finally reached the hotel and rushed towards the reception where the manager was waiting for him.

The manager as told by his boss, Doyoung, led Minhyung to Donghyuck's room.

The manager gave him the spare keys before leaving Minhyung alone and all the older could do was stare at the door.

Room no. 188

He hesitated before taking in a deep breath and unlocking the door. The room was dark, the lamp beside the bed being the only source of light in the room. There was a lump on the bed, Minhyung figured out it was the younger, only his back visible.

"Hyuck.....love." Minhyung called out the younger softly, hoping and praying inside that the younger would not show any kind of hate or disgust towards him.

Everything was a misunderstanding.

And he wanted to resolve it desperately. He loved the younger. Way too much to the point where he could not see the younger being sad, especially him being the reason.

Minhyung shook off his negative thoughts before walking towards the younger. As soon as he saw the younger's face, his heart broke. The younger was sleeping, with puffy eyes and red nose. The younger looked like a mess.

And he was the cause of it.

"Why are you here?" Minhyung broke out of his thoughts as the younger was now awake and tiredly looking up at him.

"Hyuck....I .. let's talk." Minhyung sat on the bed, placing his hand on the younger's hand. Donghyuck was quick enough to dodge it.

"I wanna to be alone.... Please."

Minhyung didn't say anything more. He got up from the bed and left the room before murmuring a soft ' goodnight '

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Donghyuck glanced at the door a tear rolling down his cheek.
At the same time the older, whose back was pressed against the door of the younger's hotel room hide his face in his hands as tears streamed down his cheeks.

It was going to be a long night.

// A.N : I'm sorry π~π //

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