wmy... ratchet |Ch 4|

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Author's Note dreiundsechzig:

First off,
I just wanna say you guys are amazing. I swear every time I feel like everyone is going to hate my update you all seem to love it... *mind blown*

btW... raise your hand if you love Mulan? if so... you will surely enjoy this chapter.

dedicated to @RosieHemmo because I know she always comments and she's shared my story with friends!

take a gander at the picture in the media section... it's the shirt Channing wears to the concert ;) and tbh, it's probably the only 1D related shirt i'd actually wear... bc honestly... who cares about the things that make us beautiful? i'd rather discuss the things that make us ratchet c:

Song of the Chapter: "If It Means A Lot to You" by A Day to Remember


Chapter 4: wmy...Ratchet


|| c h a n n i n g ||


I knew my window of escape was closing quickly, so although my torso and feet were immovable, my hands were still free and I took the opportunity to rake my fingernails harshly down the side of Tate's cheek. He yelled out immediately loosening his grip around my waist, and I took that little bit of extra freedom to kick my legs free of the guy trying to secure them.

My skateboard had already rolled away into the street and my iPod lay at my feet in a pile of broken plastic. Tate was still holding his face in his hands as I finally was able to kick the guy holding my legs away from me.

The breath was knocked from my lungs for a moment as my back met the cold concrete; I rolled over, climbing to my feet quickly to see the third guy standing in my path looking unsure of what to do. The darkness of the night obscured my vision and muddled my senses, but I stood tall as I shuffled my feet backwards a few paces, glaring at the dark haired, gangly boy in front of me, anxiously waiting for him to make a move.

"Kyle, grab her!" Tate ordered, still holding his hand against the three angry claw marks I left behind. I took a second to glance at my own nails to see bits of flesh and dried blood beneath them, the sight almost making me gag. I met Kyle's unsure glare as I looked up once more, the illumination of the street light leaving an eerie glow across his scowling face.

Just as he stepped toward me, I did the only thing I could do; I opened my mouth wide and began screeching at the top of my lungs.

The sound that expelled from my windpipe did not sound remotely human.

I took a self defense class with Jetta a few years ago and the instructor said to do two things if ever attacked: be sure to make as much noise as humanly possible because it may deter them or make them lose their nerve, and if they keep persuing you, kick them in the groin or hit them in the nose. I wasn't much of a fighter, so the only took I had to work with right now was my voice.

The three boys seemed to be looking around nervously as I stood there screaming until my lungs burned, only to inhale another breath to start all over again. The scratchiness in the back of my throat intensified to full-blown pain as I pushed myself harder to make my scream even louder. 

The two guys I didn't know quickly fled the scene, not wanting to gain any attention I may have been attracting. However, Tate still lunged toward me, trying to shut me up by wrapping his hands around my throat and trying to shove me up the driveway.

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