I Kissed A Boy & I Liked It |20+|

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Author's Note fünfundneunzig:

Jesus Christ... after warning u to follow me, I literally got like 200+ followers in 2 hours! Oooh I see how it is... you don't vote when I ask but damn if I threaten you with missing larrietta smut ya'll jump on that command LMAO I luff u guys... freakin pervs aka my soul sistas.

*Flashes a warning sign*
Really, if you don't like smut or boyxboy, then don't read! (it's not too bad so all you secret boyxboy lovers don't get too excited, there will be no anal penetration so don't get your hopes up lmao)

[2014 Update: i'm actually cackling right now, because I finally managed to get this chapter off of private... wanna know how? by eliminating the word 0rgasm xD so I've learned that twatpad will mark your work as private if you use any of the following words: n ipples/ c lit/ o rgasm LIKE COME ON WATTPAD... gimme a break, gimme a break, break me off a piece of that BULL SHIT bar u freakin douches! get a proper job, u dicks]


Chapter 20: I Kissed A Boy and I Liked It


|| j e t t a ||


Nearly a week had passed since Channing and I moved in with the boys, and to put it simply, neither of us had ever felt more at home. I knew Chan was on cloud nine with Niall, and I loved watching her gush about how she loved living with him. She enjoyed cooking and washing dishes... and just all of that domestic crap- while I cringed at the thought of being stuck doing such mundane tasks, she was completely ecstatic.

As for Louis, Harry, and I? Things were weird at first. Really weird. Really awkward. Really unpredictable. However, things seemed to be getting easier over the last few days of attempting to navigate this open relationship we were experimenting with.

Tuesday night Harry took me to the movies, as 'friends'... or at least that was the way we were going to have to keep portraying it in the public eye. There was no way we could just blurt out that we were experimenting with polygamy in our own half assed attempt at something to the likes of Brother Husbands. I mean, come on. We were lucky enough to have no paps annoying us though, and it was quite nice that we were able to cuddle and steal kisses in the back of the dark theatre; needless to say, we didn't actually watch much of the movie.

Thursday, Louis and I just spent the day around the city; since I'd never been to London before, he was eager to show me all of his favorite places. He also took me to an annoying amount of little cafes and coffee shops, forcing  me to drink about 87 cups of tea and other tea-like beverages. It was a little more tricky to remain platonic with him though, being as Louis was the one who seemed to have the wandering hands. I had to smack him away from my ass more times than should have been necessary... the cheeky bastard.

Aside from keeping our strange little relationship under wraps from the media, we'd also decided it was probably best to keep it a secret from the others. They'd probably just find it really weird and awkward so there was no point in making people feel more uncomfortable than necessary. I hadn't even informed Channing of the news, which was kind of eating away at me, but at the moment, it just made things easier to keep it between the three of us. As far as everyone knew, Louis and I were no longer exclusive and we were all just back to being friends.

Throughout the week there were a few times when the boys had to meet up with "important people" - as Louis would say - and it was during those times that Channing and I got a kick out of pranking the guys; we did silly little things like hiding all of Louis' Toms or messing up Niall's prized shoe and hat collection. Seriously, he was very protective over it, as if it were his firstborn son. I tried to share my disturbed thoughts with Channing, but she just laughed it off, claiming that she thought it was adorable. I swear the boy could blow his nose, glue the tissue to the inside of a card for Valentine's Day, and Channing would probably just proudly display it on the mantle. (Who am I kidding? About 97% of directioners would do that as well. Myself included, probably.)

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