Damsel in Distress |17|

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Author' Note neunundachtzig

I'm rather disappointed in some of you who jumped to the conclusions that when I said Harry was going to help Jetta "chill out" automatically assumed that meant they would have intercourse?! lol damn guys give Jetta a little more credit. I'm also quite amused at the amount of you who have been begging me for another larrietta threesome like damn y'all are freaky xD lets just see how things play out shall we? 

ummm... if you hadn't noticed.... I've been slowly adding a lot of Jarry chapters... Louetta shippers don't you dare complain! you know that Lou has been Jet's main focus throughout most of this story! but don't give up on either... you never know who will win in the end... PLOT TWIST: larry is real and Jet ends up with LIAM. ha. just kiddddding ;) or am I? Better stay tuned to find out...

Song of the Chapter: Distraction by Angels and Airwaves... idk, I just love it... it's so soothing. ALL OF A&A's songs are. It just brings me this inner fucking peace that heals my soul and puts me in a good mood. Now, I know this song is actually about war, but to ME... I always think of it as a girl who's world is crashing down around her, and a boy is offering to be her distraction [check out the media section to see the videooo]


Chapter 17: Damsel in Distress



|| h a r r y ||



As Niall left the room to retrieve Liam, I watched Jet as she paced back and forth in front of the bathroom huffing and puffing in aggravation. Although the situation did seem rather serious, I was still amused by the slight tantrum she was throwing because Channing didn't want to talk to her; I'm sure it was nothing personal, maybe Chan just really needed to talk with Liam, however, Jetta got very offended.

"This is bullshit," she mumbled under her breath, combing her hands trough her hair to clear it from her face. I studied her, trying to figure out how she managed to look so put together when she had literally rolled- or been dragged- out of bed literally five minutes ago.

I was sitting on the floor, resting my arms on my knees as I continued to watch her pace the room, wearing nothing more than a long tee shirt that came down barely to her mid thigh. It was probably one of Lou's shirts but I was trying not to let that fact bother me. Why should it? Yep... he was her boyfriend, after all, but no matter how much I tried lying to myself, I still kept picturing her wearing my clothes. Seriously... this can't be healthy. I really need to get a rebound or somethi--

I was snapped out of my indecent inner monologue as I heard Jet pounding on the bathroom door once more, asking Channing to let her in. Luckily I wasn't forced to intervene though because just a few seconds later, Niall was dragging an extremely confused Liam through the door and I almost feared for his safety as Jet set her angry glare on his unsuspecting face.

"What's happened?!" he kept asking, but in truth, Jetta and I had really no idea either, seeing as Channing wouldn't let us in, and Niall wasn't talking.

"You're the only one she's willing to talk to," Jetta almost spat at Liam, her voice drenched in unwarranted malice, and I took that as my queue to remove her from the situation.

"C'mere," I mumbled, wrapping my arm firmly around her waist and guiding her towards the door. Our presence was obviously not necessary here, no matter how much that angered Jetta.

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