Bottoms Stick Together |21+|

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Author's Note siebenundneunzig:

Sooo... a lot of random crap happens in this chapter... just a heads up... idek, I just was getting a little sick of the drama =D like literally it's all just a bunch of banter and chillin and preciousness.

Um... i guess i also need u to be aware that this chapter contains Chialler sexy time wey hey
[I pretty much made sure the first part of this was smut just as a big "eff you" to all the ppl who don't seem to appreciate sex... like what is wrong with you! c'mon ur not out there actually having it, or watching porn, so the least u can do is read about it... if u don't enjoy that, i really wanna know who invited u into this fandom ffs]
OH AND ENJOY TO ALL THE PERVY PANADAS OUT THERE (LIKE ME... u are my true bitcheZ 4 lyfe)...


dedicated to @Lets_Fangirl_Baby bc she's like the only person who talks to me on Twitter so I love her... plus her name is Jaxie which is pretty bad ass considering i used it in one of my first (super carroty fanfics called One Darection) that story has been taken down and hopefully I'll edit it and post it again before we're little old ladies. but no promises. it is not a top priority.


Chapter 21: Bottoms Stick Together



|| n i a l l || [smut is creepin round the corner please prepare yourselves]

I blinked rapidly, clearing my vision of the murky remnants of a dream I had nearly already forgotten. The warm, subtle breaths I felt blowing against my shoulder pulled me further away from the dream and I set free a content sigh, caressing Channing's thigh lightly in rhythm with her heartbeat.

Channing shifted slightly, snuggling more closely into my side and I peered down at her, completely enamored with the faint hum she released as she absorbed my warmth, curling her body tightly around mine. Her eyes and mind still remained closed off to the world as she slept, and I cradled her body even closer to mine, taking the opportunity to memorize every detail of her face in a shameless display that I would never feel comfortable doing if she were awake. Moments like these were rare, when she was so raw and open; although she'd gotten a lot better at not hiding her scars and other imperfections from me, now was the time I could sadly admire the rough reminders as I traced my finger lightly along the lines that hid under her always present bracelets.

After a few moments of gentle touches and a light kiss to her wrist, I placed her hand so that it was resting comfortably on my chest once again. However, I stiffened once I realized her other hand -which obviously had a mind if it's own- had somehow ended up resting along my lower torso, and as luck would have it, her fingers were very much teasing the waistband of my boxers.

I remained still, figuring her hand placement was just an innocent coincidence and turned my head, resting my chin in her soft hair, trying to even my breathing in an attempt to relax. It was insane how fired up she could get me using the faintest of touches, without even being conscious.

After a few moments of nothing put the sound of our shallow breaths and the tick of the clock on the wall, I snapped my eyes open, cursing everything to hell as she shifted again, her fingers unintentionally fisting the top of my boxers while she slept, and I found myself at a loss of whether I should remove her hand or allow her to proceed...

Barely 30 seconds later, I released my breath in a deliberate huff as her hand moved yet again, inching even lower and groping me quite tightly; by this point, I was almost certain that this was no accident -not that I minded- and my suspicions were confirmed the moment I spied a sneaky smile gracing her pretty, pink lips.

"You lit'le shit," I laughed as I quickly rolled us under the blankets, so that my legs were straddling her hips. Her small smile grew to mischievous lengths as her tongue darted out, moistening her lips in an all too tempting fashion, "Did you just refer to me as a shit?" she giggled, trailing her lithe fingers up and down my sides, before digging those sneaky fingers under my ribs, finding the ticklish spots that she knew would have me withering and gasping for mercy in no time.

I made an obnoxious noise that fell between a bark and a laugh, but it had apparently been what she was going for because she began laughing with me, losing her hold on my sides and giving me the upper hand. I caught her wrists and quickly pinned them over her head, finally ending the torture, "Well, yeh were actin' rather shit-like..." I reasoned before dropping an eager kiss to her lips; I swiped my tongue along her bottom lip as I pinched the skin of her hip between my fingers, drawing out a little yelp which was all I needed to gain full access to her mouth.

"No name calling and no pinching, or I'm gonna put you in time out," she warned as my lips slipped down her jaw and nipped gently at her neck.

"Mhmm... an' what about bitin'?" I teased, taking a moment to suck a dark purple mark along her collar bone; she shivered, closing her eyes for a brief moment before regaining her composure and narrowing her eyes at me.

"Three strikes..." she mumbled, kissing my mouth roughly, "... and you're out."

Channing pulled away from me abruptly, shooting her fingers out and gripping my ear in a way that pulled a whine from my lips as I was forced to scramble after her, following her as she lead me away from the bed.

"Chan..." I whimpered as she dragged me forward, making me hunch my shoulders over to alleviate the ache in my neck caused by the awkward angle. This was new...

I was awarded with a wicked smile as she continued to tug me along, before coming to a stop in front of my- or rather our walk-in closet.

"In you go!" she sang as she ushered me forward, releasing my ear as she nudged her elbow into my back.

I turned around before she could attempt to shut the door on me, surprising her as I wrapped my hand around her wrist and tugged her against my chest; the momentum of our light collision led to some consequences however as I stumbled backward, tripping over some shoes I'd apparently forgotten to put away.

She squealed into my chest as we went down and I stiffened, trying to brace myself for the sudden impact, wincing when we fell into a heap on the floor.

Her shoulders were shaking with cute snorts and giggles as she peeked up at me, crawling up my body until her lips were hovering over mine, "Are you okay?" she asked with a lot of laughter and very little concern.

I was laughing loudly along with her until she shut me up by pecking my lips multiple times, further reminding me of what we were in the middle of mere moments ago before she practically manhandled me into the closet.

"Channing, why're we in a closet?" I asked in between feverish kisses; she sighed into my mouth as I rolled us over in order to relieve the pressure on my back from an ill placed belt buckle.

"I warned you... time out," she mumbled, unwilling to untangle her lips from mine.

I laughed against her mouth as her reasoning dawned on me, "Yer idea of a time out is shovin' someone into a closet?" I asked incredulously, "I think now's a good time tah say that I'll be the one disciplinin' our children," I mused, not even realizing what words were slipping out of my mouth. It usually wasn't a good idea to bring up the idea of future children mid-snog, was it?

Her shoulders went up in a nonchalant shrug as she pulled away long enough to rest her forehead against mine, "I don't know... I always used to use my closet as a sort of safe-haven. So I'm not saying I'd lock them in a closet for days... but sometimes it's good to have a nice, quiet space to clear your head," she whispered, her eye contact not wavering as the words slipped easily from her lips.

A relieved sigh escaped as I realized the mention of children wasn't freaking her out, but then I felt my brow furrowing as words on those letters I used to spend hours reading and rereading came spiraling to the forefront of my mind, "That's where yeh used to hide, isn't it... you know... from him?" I mumbled before I could stop myself. Just the fact that anyone would have to tuck themselves away in a closet in order to feel safe still got to me; Channing should have never felt that helpless... that cornered.

Her eyes finally dropped from mine for a second as she tucked her bottom lip under her teeth and nodded, "Yeah, I'd even sleep in there some nights... worried that he'd somehow find a way into my room. My bed left me feeling so exposed, you know?" she asked, her eyes gazing at me once again, although in a way, they seemed far away, as if her mind were somewhere else entirely; probably hiding back in that closet.

"I'm sorry, baby," I whispered, tracing my fingers along her jaw as she still hovered over me slightly; I took both of my hands, resting them on either side of her cheeks, forcing her eyes to look into mine, "Come back to me, okay? Don't think about it. Yer with me now an' yer safe. You're perfect, beautiful, and I love you," I assured her, pushing back her hair and threading my fingers through it; her eyes seemed to brighten up at my words, and within seconds her lips were attached to mine once again, in a brilliant pull of gentle dominance.

Although I'd almost lost her to the bothersome memories of her past, the fire we'd previously ignited was far from snuffed out as I felt her placing her hand firmly on my still quite hard morning wood. Without missing a beat, she snuck her fingers through the opening of my boxers and squeezed me again, drawing out an embarrassingly dirty moan which no doubt painted my cheeks red. What? It'd been over a week since I'd properly felt her touch like this so it was safe to say I was like fucking putty in her hands.

"Want you," she mumbled sweetly against my neck as she readjusted herself, planting her knees on the floor on either side of my hips so she could hover over me, giving her the space to free me from my boxers entirely.

I was at a loss for words as she stood quickly, taking no time at all to kick off her tiny sleep shorts- followed swiftly by her knickers.

My stunned silence remained as she brought herself to my lap once more, grinding her body down on my already aching hardness. I propped myself up on my elbows, before moving her back in order to sit up fully.

After I was situated, my hands found her hips and I lifted her easily as her delicate fingers wrapped around me, guiding me into her warmth that I'd been so desperately craving.

A simultaneous groan left our lips as she slid slowly down my shaft, until her bum was resting against my thighs, fully sheathing me within her.

"Oh God, I've missed this so much," she nearly whimpered as I resisted the urge to buck my hips up into her pliant body. Her confession brought on a flash of guilt, considering for the last week, I'd been trying to avoid getting too intimate with her; since we'd found out she truly was suffering from PTSD after we got her in to see a counselor and Dr. Easton had confirmed what Liam had originally suspected.

Regardless of the progress she had been making, Dr. Easton had suggested that we just try to keep things as comfortable and simple as possible in the bedroom in order to help Channing establish a safe routine. She had assured us that it wasn't necessary to eliminate sex all together, because then she would just be comfortable with fearing it- which was obviously something neither of us wanted.

I took in my surroundings once more and felt my stomach drop because there was nothing simple or routine about fucking in a closet, now was there? I was about to voice my concerns to the wonton brunette on my lap, but I forgot my train of thought and groaned softly as I felt her walls tighten, just begging me to fuck her into oblivion.

My hands were grasping her hips tightly in concentration as her little arms wrapped firmly around my neck; she leaned forward resting her forehead against mine. I gazed at her, still too awestruck to speak as I admired her nearly colorless irises as they shown brightly notwithstanding the poor lighting of the closet.

Neither of us had yet to move, thrust, or buck our hips. We just sat there, joined together in one of the most sinfully perfect ways. I actually wouldn't mind staying in this position, even though it was painful remaining still; it was the most divine feeling, being so connected to her in a way that felt like a dizzy combination of heaven and hell mixed with pain and pleasure.

Her breath lingered along my lips, warm and sweet, despite the fact we'd just woken up. She circled her hips slowly, pulling a broken moan out of herself, and I found my lips searching for hers once more, nipping lightly at her swollen flesh.

"The hell has gotten into yeh?" I asked, squeezing her tightly and moaning through the almost unbearable stimulation that was brought on by nothing other than her shallow breathing.

"Apparently you have," she whispered seductively, her lips nibbling up the length of my ear.

She chuckled lightly as she pulled away, swiveling her hips as if to remind me that I, indeed, had gotten into her. As if I would need reminding...

I pressed my lips against hers, feeling her slick tongue as it tangled lazily with mine in the most comforting way. Kissing her was simple, never forced or overdone... to me, it felt as natural as breathing. I could feel her smiling into the kiss, which brought on another rush of adoration, because it was just something we both seemed to do; at times even making our teeth clink together in an awkwardly perfect way.

I was astounded by the fact that we were merely sitting there, not even moving, and not bothering to seek out that much sought after friction that sex equated to. Instead, we were getting off to the small vibrations brought on by laughter and the subtlest of movements while we remained still, just feeling one another.

I pressed up into her, not really bucking my hips, but just trying to reach deeper, needing to feel as much of her body as humanly possible.

Our kisses had grown dirtier, and we'd both taken turns bruising the other's skin between our lips; she drew a groan out of me as she lifted herself slightly before swiftly lowering herself back to rest on my thighs- and just like that, play time was over... and there was no going back.

"We should do this more often, just to see how long we can last, " Channing proposed with a laugh; I squeezed her hips tightly, moving her body along with mine as I began rocking into her.

"Hmm... are yeh jus' gonna take a seat on my cock while we're watchin' the telly or somethin'?" I asked through my labored breaths as I frantically tugged her shirt over her head, laughing all the while. Although, in all honestly, I agreed with her; it would be rather fun to see how long we could last like that.

A loud laugh echoed along the walls of the closet as her eyes widened from my blunt statement, "Niall, you just said cock," she managed to get out while I increased the speed of my upward thrusts, practically making her bounce on my lap. She arched her back, and the view I had in front of me was one I wouldn't soon forget.

"Whatd'ya want me to call it?" I laughed, mainly due to the fact that we were having a conversation while I continued to screw her brains out- albeit in the most romantic way possible.

"I don't know... but it sounds so dirty, like we're making a bad porno," she gasped as she tried to catch her breath, but apparently my persistent thrusting was making it rather hard for her to do such a thing.

"Hmmm... maybe we are," I laughed, kissing her forehead as I turned the two of us over so that we were lying on the floor as I spooned her from behind.

I froze for a minute as I grabbed another stray shoe from digging into my back, throwing it farther into the closet and cursing under my breath. I heard Channing laughing at my antics and I smiled against the back of her neck as I tossed her hair over the side of her head so it was lying in a beautiful pile along the floor.

Our legs were wrapped together in an endless entanglement and I tightened my arms around her chest from behind, making her moan out every time I pushed in deeply, using one hand to hold her hips in place to keep her body still.

"Fxck..." she whimpered, and I could feel her thighs trembling as I curved my body around hers, cocooning her from the outside world.

The cheap closet carpet was scratchy on my bare skin, so after a few more moments of taking her from behind, I took it upon myself to stand up, pulling Channing to her feet as well as she gave me a confused look.

"I'm gonna ge' a rug burn," I said sheepishly, pointing to the angry red rash that was currently decorating my hip and thigh.

Chan nodded her head before taking her hands and dividing a rack of my tee shirts into two sides, just like Moses parted the Red Sea.

I shook my head to clear the image of some ancient biblical dude from my mind, and nearly choked on my own tongue as I watched Channing lean forward, pressing her hands to the wall so they were resting on either side of her head; she was leaning over slightly, offering up her backside as she looked at me from over her shoulder, giving me a cheeky smile.

"C'mon Nilla," she moaned, arching her back in a way that had my jaw dropping as she begged me to take her, and trust me, I didn't need much convincing as I easily guided myself in between her wetness, groaning as I placed soft kisses down her spine.

My thrusts were hard but gentle as I cradled her in my arms, rocking into her with enough force to make the hangers above our heads vibrate in rhythm with out movements. After only a few minutes, I could feel myself creeping even closer to the edge and quickly spun her around, kissing her on the side of the mouth when she gave me a confused grin, "Sorry, jus' need tah be kissin' you," I whispered, capturing her bottom lip between my teeth and tugging hard enough to elicit one of her moans that traveled straight below the belt.

I hoisted her body up, laughing as some of the hangers scooted in the way; she held her arms up to the rail, freeing us from the clutches of the dreadful hangers and I buried my face deeply into the crook of her neck as I pounded her into the wall.

Her gasps and whimpers soaked into the skin of my shoulder where she was mouthing at me, alternating between light kisses and tender lovebites; her skin was slick with sweat as I tried getting a better grasp along the underside of her thighs, and the effort it took me to hold her up only added to the satisfaction coursing through my veins as I felt my climax nearing, "Babe, I'm almost there," I warned, breathing hotly into her neck.

She shuddered against me, her voice rough with lust and an underlying hint of love, "Come for me," she cooed, her tongue licking lightly at my earlobe as I groaned at the words slipping out of her mouth. Those subtle words were all it took for me to spill deep inside of her, pumping her full of a mixture of love, lust, desire, want, and every other emotion I felt for this girl.

She followed shortly after, her breath catching as I tried to keep the rhythm up for her, and apparently my pathetic attempts at thrusting after being totally spent were thankfully enough to push her over the edge. She keened into my ear as her body tensed up, and I brought my lips to hers, catching every whimper and moan her climax was tearing out of her body.

After a few more moments, we both stilled, our breathing ragged and strained as we tried to gain composure, and I gazed down at her, in awe of how utterly perfect she still managed to look even when she obviously was completely blissed out.

I kissed her gently after that, the urgency was gone but the fire was still there as I used my tongue to explore every inch of her familiar mouth. I slowly released her legs, chuckling as she winced, which earned me a smack to the side of the head.

After giving me an adorable pout, I swiftly picked her up, hauling her off to our bed, "Go to sleep, Olive, I've got to meet the boys for a meeting with Paul; I'll be back in a bit," I promised as I kissed her forehead and hurried away toward the bathroom.

After a quick shower I groaned as I realized I only had ten minutes to get the other lads together; considering Liam was still out of town, I knew it was all going to be on my shoulders.


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