Masochistic Assholes Like Edward Cullen |24+|

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Author's Note einhundertunddrei:

Ok, so, song of the chapter is "Through the Dark" (by One Direction fucking duH) because it could be Chialler's anthem tbh [really, listen to those lyrics!] <3 um, just wanted to say... there are quite a few Twilight references in here... can you tell what I was watching while writing part of this chapter? oops. oh and warning... blatant carroty use of 1D song lyrics to convey feelings... #NoRegrets bc u know u love it. let your inner carrot come out to play. it's healthy.

IDEK what is wrong with me but I'm on a smut kick and honestly can't stop writing sex scenes so here u go. Sorry to the whiny prudes who get their panties in a wad when I write about penetration :p and omfg... this is the first time I've ever written just plain ol' Jarry smut without Louis lurking in the shadows somewhere! hahaha oh & u know some cute chialler/anxious Louis are in here as well :)  as for sophiam and zerrie, idek man, they're just floating in oblivious bliss atm... (or are they...?) :p

[PS] this is going to be dedicated to my all time favorite author on AO3 @miraal... bc her story on AO3 "Privilege" is basically my life and she's asked me to beta a few of her chapters which is pretty bad ass.

{for those of you who STILL don't know (seriously, do u live under a rock?)... AO3 stands for Archive of Our Own, and it's simply amazing. It's no where near as censored as twatpad, and most of the work is just like top notch (hardly carroty at all) and mostly boyxboy... this fandom has turned me into a really weird person... I honestly never thought I'd be someone so turned on by fantasies of boys fucking... but, alas... here I am. Judge away. idfc... if you haven't read a boyxboy fic on AO3 then you haven't LIVED. byE}

n o  w o r r i e s... this story with remain completely HeTeRoSeXuAl xD well.. aside from harmless larry snogging...

[ps] im truly sorry for typos or if things don't make sense... it's like 4:15 am here and I've been working on this chapter since 8:30pm... I'm going cross-eyed from looking at the screen for so long and drooling on my keyboard... you're welcome.

Chapter 24: Masochistic Assholes Like Edward Cullen

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As soon as I left the closet, I made my way down the hall, crazily searching through my coat and other scattered belongings before I finally located and fished my mobile out of my trousers. After taking a few deep breaths, I pulled up Dr. Mason's number and dialed, tapping my foot impatiently along the carpet as I waited with a plume of hope in my chest that I'd hear a voice on the other end of the line- rather than a recording. It may have been nearing 3am but, dammit, I needed to speak to someone.

Sighing in defeat, I angrily aimed my phone at the far wall, every intention of throwing it as the repetitive voice recording began to mock me, but before I could send the infuriating little device sailing across the room to meet it's untimely end, a very groggy voice picked up, halting every ounce of my anger and ripping into my veins to settle nicely in a contained little compartment, right below my heart- Ah, home telephones were so nice, if only everyone still possessed them. Thank God Chan's Doctor still seemed to live in the past, or my mobile would be in a thousand little pieces all over my sitting room at the moment.

"Is everything alright?" she asked, the sound of her tired yet concerned voice pinched at the corners of my mind and a flash of Channing surfaced, reminding me of why I was calling in the first place.

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