There's No 'I' in Threesome |5+|

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Authors Note fünfundsechzig:

OKAY, so I lOvE the picture I've posted in the media section... it just screams larrietta! it's as if Jetta's totally into Louis, but she's reaching her hand behind her, dragging Harry along bc she just can't let him go... u should go see for yourself.

dedicated to @ifangirltokeepcalm because she left me a comment about this chapter that literally had be laughing for like 5 minutes straight (and basically sums up the chapter in one graphically delicious sentence):

"I drew you a bath because you're covered in semen and I probably paralyzed you with my penis..." OHMYGOD I CANNOT EXPLAIN TO YOU HOW MUCH I LOVE YOUR COMMENT hahahah...


seriously... this is 12k+ words of pOrN... u are welcome.

Chapter 5: There's No "I" in Threesome


|| j e t t a ||


As soon as I heard the front door slam and loud sobbing coming from the entryway, I was immediately ripped from my Walking Dead marathon and sprinted toward the hallway. There I saw Channing lying on the ground in a broken heap crying hysterically; as I drew closer I could see that her cheek looked inflamed and swollen, it looked like there was a hand print as well.

"Channing? Oh my God! What happened?" I cried in a loud voice as I tried to keep myself calm. She wasn't able to utter a single word without choking on her cries though as I helped stand her up and we shuffled toward the bathroom. After sitting her down on the toilet, she sat there for a few minutes crying into her hands as I ran a washcloth under some warm water before gently wiping her face, trying to calm her.

It took a little time, but eventually she was able to catch her breath and explain to me what happened. I was shocked when I found out that Tate was behind this... how could he? He was one my friends, for Gods sake! At least he used to be.

I was about to call Niall in hopes that he could make Chan feel better but she was refused and was very adamant about not telling him about the confrontation.

"Channing, why don't you want him to know?" I asked with a shocked look on my face as I held my finger over the button that would dial his number.

She sighed loudly as she held the wet washcloth over her cheek, "I just don't want him to worry about me anymore than he already does, okay? It's fine... I handled it and I can tell him about it when we fly out there," she explained in a quiet voice. I desperately wanted to press the issue, but she looked so lost I just didn't want to pressure her anymore.

I leaned toward her, wrapping my arms around her trembling shoulders as she buried her face into my neck. I patted her back gently as she shed a few more tears on my shoulder, but eventually we were both calm enough to try to get some sleep. I only hoped that she'd keep her word and tell Niall the next time they were together... this was something she couldn't keep hidden, especially when it jeopardizes her safety.


|| n i a l l |


As we wrapped up the concert, I yelled one more appreciation speech to the crowd before eagerly heading off the side stage, making a beeline for the brunette that had her back to me as she stood near the refreshment table.

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