This is No Time For Nouis Feels |7+|

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Author's Note neunundsechzig:
Hey poopsies... just wanted u to know that this chapter is gonna be intense, YO!
i love you all, as you well know... and i'm happy so many of you seemed to enjoy the last chapter... sorry for the gnarly cliffhanger u had to endure... but here is the long awaited continuation.

Please remember...
this isn't supposed to be a cliché foofy-poofy story... so don't expect Niall to come riding in on a purple unicorn to save Channing bc he's actually just a typical dumb boy with an angelic voice and pretty face... he ain't got no powers.

Seriously... he can't be no superman... but perhaps, for her, he'll be superhuman. hahahaha. awe. carroty references to UAN album lyrics are what i live for tbh... sorry about that... let's move on with our lives...

Dedicated to @prattle because she's been around since the beginning of this story and always leaves me awesomely long and motivating comments <3 thanks for reading :)

Song of the Chapter: I Will Follow You Into The Dark by Deathcab For Cutie [be sure to listen to this in the media section... especially toward the end when Niall finds Channing]

[just a heads up, things are gonna get brutal up in hurrr... so don't say I didn't warn u--- oh... and I guess be careful... this chapter could be triggering bc attempted rape]


Chapter 7: This is No Time For Nouis Feels


|| c h a n n i n g ||


The cuffs were still digging into my wrists as I scooted as far away from him as possible, however, he just kept crawling closer to me, a sadistic smile plastered across his face. I whimpered as I felt my back pushing up against the opposite door while he continued crawling toward me in the backseat. Panic mode was kicking in and I was making rash decisions, so I picked my foot up and kicked him as hard as I could, aiming for his face, but he moved and I just ended up jarring his shoulder.

He never lost his smirk as he drew himself closer and closer to me, hovering over me as I looked up at him with contempt, "Is someone getting a little too brave? You feel like fighting back this time... is that what you're trying to tell me?" he asked in an amused voice as he brushed his hand down my cheek, letting it trail down until he was gripping my neck. I could feel his fingers pressing harder and harder into my flesh, no doubt leaving marks, but I never tore my eyes away from his. As he attempted to bring his mouth down to mine I clamped my lips shut and tried desperately to turn my face away from him.

I could tell he was getting frustrated when he brought his hand back and smacked me across the face, "This can be done the easy way or the hard way," he muttered through clenched teeth as his fingers continued to tighten around my neck, constricting my windpipe and making stars dance across my vision.

"Do you understand how easily I could kill you right now?" he asked, his tone light as if he were joking, "Your neck... it would just snap like a twig," he muttered, lowering his face down to mine once more as he firmly gripped my chin and my forehead, "Just an accidental twitch of my hands right now... it would be lights out," he taunted with a laugh, clearly enjoying himself as my heartbeat raced, threatening to tear from my chest.

A few tears leaked from my eyes and dripped onto his calloused hands, "Shh... no need for tears... it'll feel good this time for you... no doubt you've been f*ckin around, gettin' loose! Is that where you've been? You been whorin' around?" he asked as his disgusting lips burnt my skin in another attempt to kiss me.

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