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a father is a blade that never stops cutting

ACT ONE / SUMMARY AND CAST ━━a father is a blade that never stops cutting

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She had that whiskey sippingskinny dipping smile

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She had that whiskey sipping
skinny dipping smile


A frightful bond when father forces daughter to live a life locked up inside and away from the world, where only he and mother can reach her. A world so small that she could only spend her days huddled in a corner with a book shoved up her nose, or trailing behind mother like her shadow, or begging to be let outside like a needy puppy. A world so quiet, even her soundless tiptoes as she snuck into the kitchen could be heard. A world so empty, Amelia Bloom couldn't help but try and escape.

He made them pack their bags and flee to California in late 1978, when daughter turned ten. She was amazed by American lifestyles and cultures. She couldn't help but compare her broken life to those nuclear families living in her new neighborhood, and she couldn't help but wonder where everything had gone wrong for her. Amelia still hadn't found an answer to that thought.

No friends and no school would produce a truly unhappy child. Apparently with no hair either— he cut her hair shoulder-length while she slept for a reason her tiny pea brain couldn't fathom. Or when he finally came to terms with trying out the kindergarten experience but forced her to wear the most embarrassing dress known to man on her first day (she didn't return for a second day, or third). His words were harsh-spoken and his decisions careless and selfish. But the mind of a kid was overpowering.

Despite all his misery laid onto her, she was happy growing up. A kid wouldn't look past the bad parenting even if it meant growing up behind closed doors. She was too much for him. She'd wake up every day hoping to do something new, and even when turned down and locked inside, the child inside of her would still believe everything was perfect.

TONGUE TIED | STEVE HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now