Reina de la Muerte

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This story already exists on my account as "His Princesa". This is a completely revamped version of that one; it will have more mature scenes that may not be comfortable for everybody.

You DO NOT need to read the original book if you want to read this book instead.


♕EPIGRAPH♕"The king has finally found his queen

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"The king has finally found his queen..."

"You can't save someone who doesn't need saving..."

"They were always meant to be together..."


"Don't think for a second I don't hate you any less because we're married," I hiss out. Seeing Gabriel's growing smirk only pisses me off more. "If I knew what I was signing up for when I agreed to this then I would have ripped that stupid contract up the first chance I got."

My sentence trails off when Gabriel takes another step towards me, then another until he's towering over me. I can feel how huge my eyes become when he slams my back to the bathroom door, wrapping his hand around my throat and pressing it to the wood. A gasp escapes me when Gabriel squeezes it, squeezing until I'm panting for every breath.

I can already feel my body betraying me, though. My words may be telling him how much I despise him, but my body knows what the truth is and it shows from the growing arousal between my legs.

"Don't be so crude, princesa," Gabriel mutters, forcing my head back to stare into his blazing brown eyes. "Let's not forget that we're a happily married couple. So I suggest you walk into that meeting with a smile on your face... Unless you'd rather have them all listen to me fuck the attitude out of you instead."


VANESSA MARTINEZ was born into a world of drugs and crimes. With both of her brothers going AWOL, and a father who is desperate to retire from his business, she has had to look after her family's legacy, her empire, since the day she turned twenty-one. Four years later, she has made a name for herself; a name that her allies have grown to respect and her enemies have grown to fear: Reina de la Muerte.

All is running just as Vanessa predicted: her business is booming with constant shipments to allies across the world and she is making more money than her father has ever seen in his twenty-five years running it. Nothing can stop her reign to the top—to the throne she has worked so hard for... Until she receives a message from her rivals about a contract agreement signed several years ago. Vanessa's perfect world is thrown out the window when she is told that she is to marry the same man that tried to kill her.

GABRIEL DIAZ has grown from the ashes since taking over for his retired father, becoming a silent killer who let's his actions speak for him. Anyone who has heard of his name fears it for rumors both true and false, and his empire is notorious for "getting rid" of others who stand a threat to him without even a trail that can lead it back to him.

When he is informed of a contract that is nearing its date, Gabriel sees it as an opportunity. Afterall, if there's one person that he would love to be allianced with in his line of business, it's none other than Vanessa Martinez, the woman who built an army that could be squashed as easily as ants. But when he meets her face-to-face, all it takes is a single encounter for him to realize that this contract is so much more than a business deal. Maybe there is still something that he can fight for through the dark world the two of them live in. Something he can protect.

And Gabriel is sure that Vanessa is just that.


Guys, I am so excited to be rewriting His Princesa three years after I started the book. Let's be honest though, it might be good but it's also so bad. I was such a horn dog three years ago and literally every other chapter has smut in it because of that :D

Not that ya nasties ever complain so it's a win-win I guess.

ANYWAY, I've decided to change to book title to something that I feel like is going to suit the story more. I don't plan to change the plot too much from the original draft BUT there are a few little details that I've decided to put in to make the story based more around the plot itself and not just spicy scenes.

Vanessa and Gabriel are still the same people, their background stories are just a little different. I hope you're excited to see what I have in store for you guys ;)

A REMINDER FOR MY READERS: Gabriel's name is NOT said with an English accent. He is a hispanic character just like Vanessa so his name is said with a Spanish accent.

Just to warn you, this book will have dark themes such as:
- sexual themes (obviously)
- attempted sexual assault/rape
- violence/gory scenes (torture, gun violence, etc.)
- toxic relationship scenes that readers may find uncomfortable or triggering

Yours Truly,
- the queen of nugs <3

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