chapter twenty one

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There had never been a time where I wanted to be seen with a woman. My flings were publicized without my knowledge and I couldn't fucking stand it.

I didn't think there was a single person I'd want to be seen with anywhere... Then this long raven-haired model, with enough bullets in her closet to kill half the American population, walks through the door and tries to kill me.


I must have been a dumbass to think I'd be bored in a marriage with someone like her. Especially now that I know how sweet she tastes.

"Gabriel, please..."

It would be a lot easier to think if she'd stop yanking my damn hair—

"Oh, God."

A hand reaches for my hair and begins to pull me away. I reach out for her thighs, ready to pull her back, but a small whimper for me to pause breaks my zone. With a quiet sigh, I comply, kissing my way down her inner thigh. Meanwhile, my attention is centred on what's between them as it leaks, begging me for more.

"What is it, princesa?" I mumble through kisses

"Can... can you slow down?"

I slowly raise my gaze to meet Vanessa's. Her cheeks are flushed red, her chest heaving, and there's a silent warning behind her shining eyes. Yet I sense no fear of getting caught like there was earlier. If anything, she looks eager for me to continue.

I caress the soft flesh of Vanessa's thigh with my tongue. "No."

My hands slide up her thighs and I spread them wider, groaning quietly when her glistening pussy makes a reappearance. I glance back up at her; keeping eye contact, I lower my mouth and suck her clit into my mouth. Vanessa's dazed eyes widen and she slaps a hand over her mouth to silence her moan.

This is my favourite view of her; seeing all tension leave her face as her lust overpowers rationality; forgetting where she is as she caves to her sexual desires...

And I get to watch the whole damn thing.

She stares up at the starry darkness, whimpering, and desperately pulls me in for more. When I stop, she grunts, lifting her hips higher.

"W-wait..." she pants, trapping my hair in a death grip. My head is forced back and I sigh impatiently, meeting her golden set of eyes. "S-someone will see us."

"I don't care."

"We're on a balcony—"

"Vanessa." My brow twitches up just as looks away, biting her lip. "Do you want me to stop?"

It takes some time but when my eyes find Vanessa's, her cheeks flush. It's taking everything in her not to gave into my primal desires and ravish her—but I love this side of her too much to hold back. The less-in-control, not afraid of being a little vulnerable. I would have never guessed this soft side of Vanessa existed if we never met.

"N-no," she whispers softly. "You're just being very—Dios mío..."

My lips curl as I watch her unfold in front of me; her eyes look like pearls under their clouded daze, rolling back in blind pleasure. She grips the balcony railing until her knuckles become a similar colour, biting her lip to keep quiet as I caress her wet slit. I push her harder into the railing, spreading her legs as far as they'll allow me to go and watch the release ooze out of her in slow waves, capturing every drop on my tongue with a content groan. It's like taking a hit of my favourite drug—even if I tried to force myself to stop, I'd never make it through withdrawal.

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