chapter twenty two

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As we pull up to the giant villa, I feel nervous. I don't know whether it's the intimidating height of the building or the fact that Gabriel hasn't kept his eyes off me since we left the restaurant. I was excited for what I had in mind for him when we were further away but seeing the house in front of me, waiting for what's to come, makes my hands grow clammy. I should be pounding my fist in the air for winning this challenge. I can give Gabriel a taste of his own medicine. But...with that curious look he has swirling in his eyes, I can't help but feel he's the one churning my stomach for me.

"You look nervous." I glance at Gabriel to find one arm perched on the door, holding his head up with the back of his hand. "What do you have planned?"

"I'm not telling you." I wish I could sound as convincing as I hoped to. "So...we're back."

"We're back." He smirks.

I'm still staring at him, my lower lip slipping between my teeth.

Where I feel every tension coiling in my body, his position is much more laid back. His legs splay, wide and relaxed, giving me that small smirk that speaks a thousand more words than his voice. I'm beginning to wish I didn't help him change into those clothes because he looks delicious and sinful.

I straighten up, looking him dead in his dark chocolate eyes. "Are you ready?"

He licks his lips and spares mine a quick glance. "Are you?"

Not one bit. "Ready as ever."

His grin returns and gives a nod. He opens the door and steps out, walking around to help me out of my seat. I grab his hand, giving a grateful smile, and we walk inside the villa together. His fingers slip through mine as I attempt step away, pulling me back whenever I move too far ahead. I like Gabriel when he's clingy.

"I've had men bring your things in the room. I'm sure you'll need some of them for tonight." The tone of his voice is dark and sultry, wrapping me in a blanket of temptation. "Is there anything you need from me, Vanessa?"

My name drips from his tongue like honey. Every bone in my body weakens until they wobble, but I use his arm to catch myself, inhaling sharply. There are several things I can think of that I need from him right now.

"Wait for me in the room," I whisper back, glancing back at him. "Please." Before I forget our deal and pounce now.

Gabriel leaves a feathery kiss to the back of my neck. It's only when he has gone upstairs that I let in all the air I can, closing my eyes. There's no reason for me to react like this. We've been together before. Many, many times. The only difference is that I'm in control of the night for once. I can only imagine how difficult that pill must have been for him to swallow.

That puts my raising heart at ease.

I release the breath in my lungs with a heavy exhale, biting my lip. Then, I make my way upstairs. Every step is as antagonizing as it is slow. I can't tell whether it's because I'm thinking so hard or because I'm actually moving this slow. But I can tell one thing for sure—these aren't nerves conjured by fear. It's all the adrenaline pulsing through my veins that is the fuel to keep me moving.

I open the door slowly, peeking inside. Gabriel is exactly how I saw him: in his sweats, tank top, and all. My eyes flicker to this right hand, watching him continuously roll his wedding band between two fingers. My heart leaps out of my chest as my cheeks warm. Is something so simple supposed to make a person happy? Watching Gabriel do something most likely unconsciously? As soon as I step inside, his dark eyes snap to mine.

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