chapter twenty three

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I've spent two morning eating breakfast alone. I don't think I want company even if someone offered—but it hurts that no one has.

After I said the three words to Gabriel, he froze up. He didn't even say anything. I would have understood if he told me he wasn't ready to say it back, but he sat there without a word. Not when I hurried off of him and out of the tub. Not when I all but ran out of the bathroom. Not even when I spent the night in a separate bedroom to cradle my hurting...everything. Even after two days, he hasn't come by once.

There's nothing wrong with him not being in love with me if he doesn't feel that way. But it pains my heart knowing for certain now. This is exactly what I feared would happen when I realized I'm in love with him—not having those feelings reciprocated.

I'm pushing my scrambled eggs around the plate when there's a gentle knock at the door. They don't bother waiting for a response before pushing it open, revealing Silvio's concerned face.

"Good morning, Reina," he mumbles as he shuts the door. "We'll be ready to leave for the Martinez Manor in a few hours."

I nod, making a face with my eggs.

"Is everything okay?"

Not in the slightest. "Just an upset stomach."

I hear his slow footsteps approach the bed before his weight rests on it. I have just finished my sad face when Silvio takes the plate from my lap and sets it aside.

"If that were true, you wouldn't be in a separate bedroom than Mr. Díaz." He should know I'm not in the mood to be called out—he's known this for six years. "And he wouldn't let you lie in bed without doing what he can to take care of you. So, I'll ask again: is everything okay?"

My eyes squeeze themselves shut at the immediate burn that follows his question. I refuse to cry about this. Not when we're supposed to meet my father today; it would only show Gabriel how much more his lack of words hurts.

With a shaking breath, I shake my head.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

It shakes again.

Silvio sighs and moves beside me. He doesn't say another word as he wraps an arm over my shoulders. I'm thankful for the silence. It gives me time to think back on my conversation with my father.

With Gabriel being my mother's next target, there's no telling when she'll strike. It's already been a risk going out despite this fact, meaning his life is in danger no matter where we go. I don't know much about how she plans attacks against her targets, nor do I know who her allies are besides Olsen Bonette. I'll only get this information from my father...that is, if he's as trustworthy as he claims to be.

I concentrate on my breathing until my erratic heart has steadied. "Have you found anything on Lucia?"

"Sort of. She's been MIA ever since separating from Antonio Martinez, but Díaz—not you, the other..."

"Thank you for the clarification," I mutter dryly.

"He found something interesting. If you're finished eating"—I never had an appetite in the first place— "then I'd suggest you get dressed so the team can discuss it."

He doesn't bother waiting for my answer before getting out of bed, silently slipping out of the room. I sigh and roll out, journeying into my closet. Though I would enjoy having these things simply told to me, Silvio always has to make things complicated.

I change into a pair of black breeches and tank top, throwing my hair into a high ponytail on the way out the door. I may not be looking forward to facing the embarrassment I feel from rejection, but I'm sure as hell not missing the opportunity to get more intel on my crazy-assassin mother.

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