chapter nineteen

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In all my life, I don't ever think I've been as nervous for something as I am about calling my father. I remain in Gabriel's comfortable office chair, staring at the phone with my chin in my hand as I think my options over.

I'm starting to regret coming to this decision. It would have been a better option to wait until the meeting was over so I could talk to Gabriel about this first, but this isn't something that can wait. I need to find my mother and if I wait any longer to make this call, I'm going to back out even if Gabriel was there to convince me otherwise. This is something I have to do alone.

With a heavy sigh, I grab my phone from my nightstand, scrolling through my contacts until I find Dad's number. Before I can go back on my plan, I press the green button I dread so much. The longer the phone rings, the more anxious I become. I chew on the pad of my thumb as I wait, staring at the screen expectantly.

My heart pauses when he finally picks up.


Fuck, fuck, fuck!

"Hi... Dad," I greet while clenching my hands at my sides.

"This is a pleasant surprise," Dad says and my lips almost twitch at the happiness in his tone. "You're calling?"

"Yeah," I drag out, chewing on my lip. "How have you been?"

"I've been alright. I haven't seen you since the wedding. Are things OK between you and Mr. Díaz?"

"You know you can call him by his name."

He heaves a sigh, followed by some awkward silence. Now that I've called, I don't know how to bring this up. We haven't spoken in a month and even though he's my father, after everything Gabriel told me he's done it's like talking to a complete stranger.

"Things between us are good," I finally speak up, answering his question. "Great, actually. We had a few fights but newlyweds tend to do that the most within the first year. Isn't that the saying or something?"

"Something like that," Dad chuckles back and my lips finally move into a long awaited smile. "I'm glad you're getting along."

"He's my husband. It would be pretty awkward if we didn't."

"I don't know if I'll ever get used to you calling Rey de la Muerte your husband. He's too cold for marriage."

"People said the same thing about me, including Silvio," I chuckle, playing with my shirt. "He... he makes me happy. He actually cares, which I never thought would happen considering the contract." And I'm in love with him... but I can't tell you before I've told him.

"That's what I feared."

More silence fills the room and I go back to chewing on my thumb. This is getting awkward.

"You called me for a reason, mija. Tell me what you need and I'll get it for you."

I heave a sigh, closing my eyes. I guess it's now or never.

"I need you to tell me everything about Lucía and her relationship with Olsen Bonette."

There's a sharp inhale from his side of the call, followed by more silence. My knee bounces the quieter he becomes, chewing on the pad of my thumb. I don't have time to wait for an answer."

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