chapter nine

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Today is the day everyone has been getting ready for all week: the wedding day. I should be getting ready to drive to my family's estate where the wedding is being held but instead I'm stuck in my office dealing with the last stack of paperwork my father demands I bring to the wedding for him. The ceremony starts at two and it's already eleven-thirty. The bastard never realizes that my life doesn't revolve around him or he does realize and simply doesn't care.

I spin my dagger in slow circles on my desk, glancing up at Vincenzo's same old deadpan look. Normally around this time, I'd still have files stacked in front of me while I dealt with scheduled meetings or cargo that needs to be shipped to my allies. Not today. Apparently, I'm my father's errand boy today; I only have one thing on my mind and it's not the work my father has for me—it's this damn wedding and the bride I'll be marrying in three hours.

I'm getting married to my arch nemesis. I never thought I'd be saying that in my entire life.

I haven't spoken to Vanessa since the incident two nights ago. I can't blame it on planning the wedding since I decided to have her look at decoration and food she wants and I know how time-consuming that can be; however, ever since I helped her through the panic attack and let her sleep in my bedroom, Vanessa has been going to great lengths to avoid both my existence and my bedroom. I understand why she's not here today—she's getting ready for the ceremony—but what the fuck did I do to be avoided for three days?

I don't look away from the spinning dagger when someone knocks on my door before entering. "Boss, I've got someone on the phone for you."

I glance up to find Vincenzo already getting comfortable in the chair across from me. "Tell her father to fuck off," I mutter, gripping the handle to the dagger.

"He won't stop calling—"

"I don't care if he shows up on my steps and fucking begs me, Pierce," I snap and look up at him through a glare. "You can tell him that if I get one more call from him about the meeting, I'm going to slit his throat and make sure his wife is watching. I'll get to it when I want to get to it."

Vincenzo stares at me with a blank look, simply nodding. Not another word is said on the matter. "I just got notified that Vanessa made it to the estate and is halfway through getting ready."

Now, that's something that can catch my attention. "The makeup team made it on time?"


"And hair?"

Vincenzo rolls his eyes. "Yes, Gabriel. Maybe if you and Vanessa weren't constantly at each other's throats then you'd get this information before me."

I narrow my eyes at him. "You're here to give me information, Vincenzo. Not to be a smart-ass."

Vincenzo narrows his eyes at me as he crosses his arms. "I love when you're in your good moods, Boss."

"Boss," a voice speaks through my intercom, breaking our staring contest.

I sigh and press the button on the phone. "What?" There's always someone looking for me, even on what people are saying to be one of the biggest moments of my life.

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