chapter two

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I roll my eyes when a choked out sound comes from Mateo right before he rolls off of me. His naked chest is covered in a thin layer of sweat as he pants heavily; meanwhile, I lay stomach-first on his bed with the same neutral expression that I started off with half an hour ago. All I can do is thank the heavens that the biggest regret of my life is finally done and over with.

How the hell can a man have so little control over his dick? I mean, thirty minutes is a new record for him so I'll give him that but you'd think being twenty-seven meant he had some sort of experience.

Nope. He has as much experience as a virgin.

Mateo is still trying to catch his breath when I sit on my knees and adjust my bra. I don't know why I even considered having sex with him again. Even after the first handful of times I did, I was never left satisfied, so the hell did I think this time would be different? Because I was thinking of another man the entire time?

Either way, it was pretty hard to imagine someone else when the entire time, I could only think about how shitty of a lay Mateo is.

I probably would have broken the guy's tiny heart if I ended up moaning another man's name, anyway. He's just lucky I never got the chance to catch it.

"Where are you going?" Mateo breathes out when he realizes I'm collecting my clothes, slipping them on piece by piece.

I don't even want to look at him or my embarrassment for him might start to show. "Work."

His lips purse. "We're not gonna continue?"

"No. "

I slip my heels on and walk towards the exit. Mateo follows closely behind me and only stops me when I reach bedroom door. I roll my eyes when he grabs hold of my wrist and turn on my heel, meeting his gaze.

"Come on," he drags out and gives me a cocky grin. "You can't tell me it wasn't good."

"It wasn't," I state, narrowing my eyes at him. "Stop acting like you have God's dick because what just happened in there was not good. That was the worst sex I've ever had."

Mateo's smirk slips right off his face and his cheeks stain a dark red. His mouth falls open, desperate to find the right words to say but I'm out the door before he can get a word out .

I can't believe I was stupid enough to think he'd be good enough to get rid of the growing ache I've had between my legs lately.

After the disaster that happened at the warehouse three days ago, all I've done is busied myself with work on who this Rey de la Muerte is. It was pretty damn hard to find anything on him when he's done such a good job at hiding everything about him from business allies and rivals. I couldn't even find a photo that showed his whole face, only ones where he kept his mouth and nose covered. The only thing I was able to make out were dark brown eyes and what looked like a scar going through his eyebrow and down his cheek.

If I had a flashlight on me that night I would have been one of the very few to see his true identity.

"You look tired," Silvio mumbles from the kitchen counter as he watches me walk downstairs.

"I haven't slept in forty-eight hours and Mateo turned out to be a waste of my time," I mutter and walk in the kitchen, hopping on the counter and stealing his coffee. "I'm fucking exhausted. Give me news to make my day better."

Silvio glares at me when I take a sip of his drink but I only smirk in response. Rolling his eyes, he tosses a file on the counter and sits beside me.

"After Rey de la Muerte vanished off the damn planet, I put our best men on the job to find where he went," Silvio explains, opening the file. They are pictures of him and his guards and, of course, he's both surrounded by men with his face covered. "It took awhile but we managed to pin his location to Nevada."

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