chapter eleven

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The sun peeks through the smallest sliver between the curtains and just so happens to hit my eyes dead on. I let out a tired moan and throw the blankets back over my head; as I do so, I accidentally hit someone in the face... hard. A pained groan immediately comes from behind me, followed by a muscular, inked arm tightening around my waist.

I can't believe I slept with Gabriel Díaz last night—which is a funny way to put it considering we didn't get much sleep—and I surprisingly don't feel anything I was expecting: regret, anger (at myself), humiliation. I'm just really fucking tired.

"Did you just punch me?" Gabriel suddenly mumbles lowly with a rasp to his voice, curling his arm tighter around my waist.

My thighs push together at the sound and I turn my head away, burrowing myself under the blankets. We just woke up. I shouldn't already want to jump his bones.

"You didn't close the curtains last night," I grumble back, throwing the blankets over my head. "You told me you did."

"It's one sliver of light, Martinez."

"That's one sliver of light that blinded me."

Gabriel lets out a soft chuckle and kissed the back of my head, letting go of me. Instead of falling back asleep like I assumed he would, he gets out of bed and wobbles over to the curtain, removing the last bit of natural lighting so the room can be dark.


"And you called me a vampire," he mutters as he walks back to me. I groan when Gabriel lies directly on top of me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "You didn't leave."

I don't respond, relaxing into the gentle strokes of his fingertips along my stomach. During the nights Gabriel is talking about, I snuck out early in the morning and went to the gym to work off the arousal I was trying so hard to fight. Now that I've given in to it, I didn't see a point in running off this time. Plus, it was a lot more cooling sleeping with him nude than when we had layers of clothes on—because if there's one thing Gabriel will never admit, it's that he loves to cuddle in his sleep.

"No," I answer, "I didn't."

He holds me closer, pressing a lazy kiss to my shoulder. "Is it your silent way of asking for a repeat of last night?"

Heat spills in my cheeks when I so much as think about it. This man really is insatiable... Then again, that's one of the many things he boasted about last night. "You still haven't had enough?" I had asked after he fucked me into oblivion for the umpteenth time. "When it comes to you, mi Reina, I'm insatiable," is what he responded with before we went at it like rabbits again.

On the plus side, I slept like a baby last night. I'm still spent, though.

"Of course not," I rush out, shoving him off and turning away. Gabriel doesn't hesitate to follow as he wraps his arm around my waist again, pulling me back to his chest.

"You still never answered my question," he mumbles against the shell of my ear, flicking over it with his tongue.

I already feel the wetness pooling between my legs from that simple act so I crane my neck to his liking. "What question?"

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