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The bright moon illuminated the dark forest beautifully. This was supposed to be one of the best nights ever. It was just about to start.

The sound of wolves howling signed that the moon raised 'till its full intensity. 

The Hunting Season has officially started yet again. It is tradition to start off like this.

Submissives bolted away, their paws left perfect marks in the soil but it left them easier to get tracked down. 

They sprinted farther and farther, abiding the rules just like how they were intended to.

Then, more wolves howled. This time it signed that the dominants were allowed to go off as they pleased. They didn't waste another second, all letting their animal sides take over and going after the scent that spoke to their soul.

But then it turned eerie silent. 

People could only watch as the limp body of a dead omega was dragged away from the scene, leaving a trail of crimson blood behind. No one uttered a word.

What was there to say anyways?

This was quick. Not even twenty-five minutes got to pass. But it was expected.

The act was sick, however it stands in the law written in a fine font which makes it a legal deed. 

To them, this is the new normal. 

Submissives along with the good ones can not fathom how some of the barbaric dominants have it in them to perform such moves. Their ego's too big to handle rejection.

Because, how dare a low-ranked wolf to even try something like that? 

They should feel honoured that someone even chose them in the first place!

How dare they open their mouths to go against them and their commands?

Dominants are the ones to hold all of the power. Follow the wise advice, take on your role, your nature, as they say, and keep your mouth shut little wolf.


If you don't, you'll be the one to get dragged away like that, next.

Fortunately, not all dominant wolves are this cruel. There are good ones, who try to do what is right. 

The Hunting Season was once founded as a lovely event with the idea in mind to make it easier for the wolves to find their other half, their mate.

Unfortunately, it got twisted as the years went by. The high-ranked wolves with the sickest of minds got to put their hands on the law, adapting the rules as they pleased. 

What was once a wonderful thing, is now nothing more than crime on crime being commited; however it aren't crimes any longer. They made sure of that.

This isn't the way it's supposed to be. It's far from it. This should've been a festival with celebration, family, friends, happiness and laughter. And of course, nervosity because of the adrenaline from the rush in the best way possible.

Oh, there is nervosity, alright. The other things are what lack. 

It's a fact that negativity always rules over the positive. For example, one could get amazing compliments all day long, but one hate comment will get stuck in mind and would leave all the other things to sound somewhat bitter. It's how the human mind tends to work.  

The same thing applies for the event. 

Low-ranked wolves bad-mouth it, there is nothing positive left for them to say about it. They saw one negative thing, and ignore all the positive ones. 

It is a fact that some wolves who enlist themselves have very bad intentions. But over the years the main idea of the event hasn't entirely vanished. There are wolves who still take part in the event with the intention of trying to track down their other halves, just like it originally intended. 

But who can blame those submissive wolves, that they now think of it as their death-sentence? One wrong wolf goes after them, and they're finished. Done for. They are terrified of getting dragged away like that, through the audience, left for everyone to see. Something that should never have happened in the first place.

They looked left but forgot to look right, into the direction of two wolves that exited the forest together, hand in hand because they found each other. 

Of course they aren't completely oblivious to it. Deep down there is a part of them that could only wish to be in their position, to end up like that instead. 

The question is, would they risk it? 

If they choose not to, they would live. But they would be alone. It is strictly prohibited for them to mate outside of the event. 

And of course they wish for a mate. Who doesn't? 

They want a chance at love. The romantic kind, the kind of love that has it all, the full package.

Who wants to go through their heats all alone? Heats that gradually increase intensity, because they don't have anyone to help them through it. 

So, they risk it. 

Not all of them. But most of them were forced because of their nature, leaving them to enlist themselves in the event. 

This was only day one of the entire thing. It could last up to a month, granting enough time for everyone to participate if they want to. 

As time passed, wolf after wolf returned from the forest. Some alone, some hand in hand and some with a dead body.

There hadn't been many deaths today. Only about two or three. 

The numbers were small, fortunately. But still too big. There shouldn't be such a thing.

After what seemed like hours, the last enlisted wolves came back. 

The alpha that was responsible of taking care of the list scrapped the last name from it, putting a check mark behind it. A smile planted itself on his lips and he nodded at the other high-ranked wolves to sign everyone was done for today.

The last few howls roared through the chilly air, signalling the audience and those who took part that for the time being, it was over. 

Tomorrow there are going to be new rounds, new opportunities.

For those who dare, that is.

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