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Immediately rushing towards the spare room, Taehyung curses when the door wouldn't budge.

He opts for the bathroom instead, staring at his own reflection in the mirror, he tries his best to recompose himself. What was that?

So much for his plan. This wasn't working.

Hastily stripping himself from his clothes, he turns the shower on, wanting nothing more than to wash the immense scent of the alpha off his body that sticks to him like glue. His wolf protested fiercely, but he was determined.

He groans, realising that the only soaps there were obviously going to remind him of the alpha nonetheless.

But in the end, there's only so many things he can do in order to avoid interaction and the male himself in his own home.

Sinking down on the floor and hugging his knees close to his chest, he let the water cascade down upon him, trying to drown in something other than his thoughts and confusing feelings.

When he finishes scrubbing himself with enough force to leave his skin red, he steps out and grabs one of the towels. He reaches for his clothes, but frowns, not seeing them there.

Eyeing around, he's met with the sight of clean clothes on top of a dresser.


So far for trying to get his scent off himself. Obviously the alpha isn't going to allow that to happen.

He sighs in defeat, grabbing the shirt that's big enough to reach his knees and the undergarments and sweatpants after.

"Oh in the name of the moon goddess, wolf, fucking shut up!" He hisses at himself, rolling his eyes dramatically at the feeling of his wolf dreamily sighing out in utter content. In the end, it had won the keeping-the-scent fight.

Walking out of the bathroom after trying the window in it to open which sadly didn't work, he tries so sniff out where the alpha is.

He sneezes instead, the intense scent hitting his nostrils with so much force he couldn't help but sneeze again. So much for locating him because he wants to avoid him.

<Jiminie? I know you have your mind link blocked because of your heat, but I just want to tell you that I miss and love you.

Plopping down on the couch, his eyes solely focus outside. He simply stares, wanting nothing more than to engulf his best friend in a giant hug and rant to him for hours about his latest experiences after successfully escaping.

He doesn't even realise he's crying, until a tear tickles him and falls down, getting absorbed by the alpha's shirt.

He angrily wipes it away, not wanting to be this weak. But he couldn't help it; he's all alone with the other and in just four more days, he'll be a rogue aswell.

He'll end up being banned from his pack, because he disappeared without a word. His parents didn't even bother to ask where he is, probably assuming he's somewhere still in the packgrounds.

When he hears the footsteps of the other coming down the stairs, he panics. Frantically looking around, he tip-toes towards a table. He hides underneath it trying to make himself as small and invisible as possible, feeling like a little kid.

The footsteps come in closer, suddenly stopping entirely. The alpha is probably looking around, wondering where he is.

It was silent for about a minute.

Taehyung could hear his own heart pump the blood around in his body, making him even more anxious.

That's when he hears the other take a few steps. And a few more, and a few more─ suddenly the footsteps are non-existent. But he's sure the alpha is moving around.

He hugs his legs closer to his body, leaning his chin onto his knees.

With big eyes he waits, not understanding even one bit why his wolf is starting to wag its tail in this nerve-wracking moment. Does it really have to turn everything into a game?

He presses his eyes shut tightly, nibbling on his bottom lip.


He flinches visibly, his head hitting the table with a thud. In his moment of dizziness, his innocent wolf takes over, much to his dismay.

"Omega, why are you hiding from me?"

The alpha chuckles, squatting down and now pulling him towards himself.

"'M sorry, alpha." He whispers, for it being all he could muster.

"You're lucky my wolf finds it rather cute. C'mere." Jeongguk opens his arms, his red eyes on display since his wolf was very present.

Not daring to disobey, Taehyung's wolf already lunged forward. He grips the dominant's shirt, mewling when the other suddenly hoisted him up.

"Now I get to claim my reward, no?"

Already panicking, Jeongguk sighs noticing the distressed pheromones. He sits down on the couch covering them with his own, pulling his submissive on his lap.

"Don't worry, pup. I'm going to scent you."

Taehyung visibly calms down, but huffs silently. Great. As if he didn't smell like the alpha enough already.

His wolf already exposed his neck for him, quietly submitting, which causes the alpha to smirk. Well, at least he knows he has full power over Taehyung's wolf. And to get to Taehyung, he has to get through his wolf.

"Such an adorable omega," He mutters, nosing his scent gland and intensifying his own pheromones, leaving him dizzy.

"You look so much better in my clothes, darling. Looking so cute when everything screams 'mine,'"

Taehyung grips the other's shirt tighter, trying to hide himself away in the crook of his neck. He can't handle it. It's too much for his being, his wolf, his heart─

"Scent me back, pup."

That command leaves him breathless. What? He freezes entirely, not believing his own ears.

"It's alright, omega. Go ahead, scent what is yours."

A dominant letting their submissive scent them back? Now Taehyung believes he has seen it all.

He blushes feriously. How is he even supposed to do that?

The alpha notices his struggles and chuckles, "Do whatever you think is right, take your time."

Hesitantly, Taehyung stuffs his face into the other's neck. His eyes grow wide when the alpha exposes a bit more skin, letting him do as he pleases.

He noses his scent gland, shying away. So instead, he rubs his head on the other's chest, now literally hugging him tight. He freezes again when the alpha hums deeply, not moving an inch.

"Good job, pup. Being such a good omega for your alpha," He hides himself in the other's shirt once he purrs again, his wolf certainly having a praise kink.

He squeals when the dominant suddenly flips himself over, laying flat on the couch on his back with Taehyung right on top of him.

The purr just goes on, embarrassing him to the fullest. He groans, making the alpha laugh. Then he feels fingers gently massaging his scalp, threading themselves through his hair.

Subconsciously he shuffles a little closer, making himself more comfortable whilst his eyelids grew heavy.

"Take a nap, darling. It'll be good for you."

'It'll be good for the bonding process,' is what he opted to say. But he smiles when he feels the omega hold on to him more, pressing himself closer to his warmth.

Jeongguk grins widely, his wolf almost howling in content. He's smitten.

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