Happy face

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Naruto Pov:


I woke up in my small 'House' that I build recently, I tried my best to hide it so the villagers won't burn it down like they did to all the once before.

My name is Uzumaki Naruto, I am the 12 year old brat that everyone hates.

I've lived in the forest ever since the last person who cared for me died, I can barley remeber his face. But I rememebr he had this beautiful smile that made me feel safe. he was all that I had, but it all changed at that day he tried to protect me from those monsters.




"Teuchi!" yelled a mans voice with clear anger mixed inside " get out of the way before I kill both you and this demon brat!"

(Teuchi is the ramen guy)

"Never! He has a name you know!" Yelled Teuchi.
(ok I know I said ramen guy wouldn't be in here but we'll just deal with it right?)

"I don't get it! Just because he has the nine-tailed sealed inside of him doesn't mean he did what the nine-tailed did! He is just a chi..." befroe he could finish his words I saw something I could never forget for as long as I live.

I was in shock that I just let the villagers do whatever they wanted.

They kicked me, stabbed me, puched me, lift me up in the air than quckily hits me down.

I can't take it anymore.

Just a secoud later I felt something warm covering me, than I quckiy feel asleep.

After god knows how long, I woke up in a fancy looking sewer.

Inftont of me I saw a large red fox with approximately  9 tails.

"I might have to step in kiddo, talk to you soon"

with that the fox disappared into thin air.


end of flashback


"NARUTO" yelled kurama

I sat up from my bed to see a red hair man with demon looking eye staring at me.

"yes?" I asked not wanting to waste my engery.

"I think it's time where you should go to the academy" said kurama in a werid tone, almost like he's talking to a baby.

"yea, yea, whatever, not like anyone will notice anyways." I replied.

" you have a exam today!" said kurama starting to get inpatient

"but the tests are so easy, why do I have to do it?" I asked even though I knew the answer.

"You know I can see the future right?"

"yea why?" I asked even though I knew the answer to this question again, I guess I just haven't talked to anyone for a long time.

"My power tells me that you better go to school today!" yelled kurama.

'he alwasy had a short temper' I thought to myself

I didn't say anything, instead, did some jutsu which made me all dressed and in a puff of smoke, I'm now at the back hills of the academy.

Oh yea, I still gotta act like that stupid Naruto just so the hokage wouldn't take me as a threat and put me in jail or shit like that. Which is something I'm sure he'll do.

"I swear I'm gonna take my revenge on everyone in this village some day." That's the last thing I said before I put on my home made mask, which I named it 'HAPPY FACE'.

It had a huge smiling face at the fornt while the rest was just white.

As soon as I put on the mask, it transformed into the shape of my face. The only difference now was that I had a huge grin on my face, unlike the face I used to have; a face you would expect from a 50 year old man who already gave up on life and only drinks beer every day.

With that I walked towards the academy knowing that he most definitely saw me.


Behind the Trees


Neji Pov:

"Is that Naruto?"how come I didn't notice him.

"He's pulling something out , strange I thought he was broke"  my body already started turning around yet my instinct tells me to stay.

I hid myself in a place where he wouldn't see me, when I saw his face it was shocking.

He looked sad, depressed even.

'intersting, and strange' I though to myself.

Usually I just ingore this kid, he is always grinning with his stupid looking face, making stupid mistakes. I try to not show it, but it disguests me when someone like him is not trying. He has no other way to get around his problems, yet he still wastes all his time doing nothing.

Before he walked towards the building and putting his mask on I swear I saw a smirk on his face.

I followed him as he headed towards the building, now when I look at hsi face it was just his normal grin. It was as if everything I just saw was an illisuion.

The bell than soon rang reminding us that the first class had began.

'What's whith that mask? And why was he pretending to be happy?' I had so many question in my head but I just had to push them away so I could focus on the most important thing today. 

The ninja exam.


A/N: sorry if this is bad english is not really my first language.

(Made a bit changes)

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