Let the revenge begin

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Naruto Pov:


Neji was unconscious because of the affect of the 3 tailed beast.

"Oi kit!" Yells kurama in my head

"What?" I replied out loud

"You know, out of all the tailed beasts the 3 tailed had always been the nicest so you don't have to worry about that boy too much." Said kurama.

"Who said I was worrying?" I asked obviously knowing the answer.

"Where did that cute kit go🤧🥲" cried kurama.

I was about to say something back when I felt someone or something starring at me.

I looked over to where Neji was, but to my surprise he was still unconscious which means someone had slipped through my seal and came in without me knowing.

I got my guard up and hold out a katana (the kinda ones inosuke have but it's main colour is red. You know like a demon slayer sword)

"You are the jinchuriki of the nine tails; Naruto right? I came here in peace" said the voice.

"Like I'm gonna believe that bullshit" I thought in my head.

I held out my Kanata and was about to charge for the head when suddenly kurama came out in his chibi form.

"WHAT THE HELL KURAMA!" I yelled while trying to get kurama away since he was walking....TOWARDS WHERE THE STRANGER STOOD!

I got closer and I felt my skin tense up. I started feeling stressed.

"Ah haven't seen you in a long time orochimaru" said kurama.

"Orochimaru?" I asked now looking at this stranger.

"Oh? Aren't you one of the three legendary sannins? What are you doing here?" I'm actually quite confused now.

"Oh? Looks like you aren't so stupid after all." Said orochimaru.

"Things aren't always the way you think it is." I said smirking a bit.

I knew I had some kind of dark aura surrounding me, cause I felt a slight smirk also appearing on the werid pale man's face.

"I was supposed to come here and take Sasuke for obvious reasons, but I've changed my mind."

"Hn" that's all I replied with.

"I could feel the hatred in your eyes, the way you looked at me is amazing! Naruto kun." He licked his own face with his weird snake...whatever you call it.

"I think I might just take you instead," as he finished his sentence his head went flying at me like a actual...SNAKE!

His head was inches away from my neck, just when his stupid long fangs was about to reach me...


There was no more talking in the cave, it was silent.

Dead silent

A second later a head dropped to the ground.

"Wow kit, I didn't even get a chance to speak. Besides why kill him? We could've used him to get you stronger!" Said kurama still in his cute chibi form.

"I won't learn anything from someone like him" I replied.

"That's fast" said a familiar voice.

I turned to where to voice was coming from, and there it was.

I saw Neji dressed in the akatsuki clothing, we were made genin a long time ago but the villagers hated me so much they did everything in their power to pull me back, as for Neji; the head family didn't want the branch growing too fast.

The good thing is, we were still able to keep our headbands. Why is it a good thing? Cause then we will be able to shove it in their face when we come back to destroy the village.

(Neji is in the akatsuki clothing with the headband having the hidden leafs symbol crossed)

"Well, I wasn't the son of the yellow flash for no reason, by the way why are you dressed like that?" I answered.

"Cause I support Sasnaru"

Kidding he didn't say that

"Just as I figured, so you were his son. To answer you question I dressed like this because I joined this evil criminal group a while ago and you are joining with me." Neji answer like it was all normal.

'thank god he's not a innocent kid I thought he was, thats just gonna be boring' I thought to myself.

"I see, so we we're all hiding something." I smirked and said.


"You really don't like talking do you?" I asked kinda annoyed but at the same time not really.


"Ok, before I join the akatsuki we need to get another person," I said hoping I got his attention, and I did.

"🤨 oh, who is it, and how did you know the akatsuki?" Neji said with a bit of venom in his voice.

"Cause I'm not stupid." I replied with a completely emotionless face.

"I guess I better get used to this." Said Neji quitely.

"Btw about the 3 tail.." I was about to finish when he cut me off.

"You don't have to explain, I wasn't really sleeping around doing nothing, " he paused a little then soon went on.

"Say, why don't we go get that person of yours,"


And off we went... a long journey to the sand.

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