The village hidden in the sand

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Gaara Pov:


Today was another usual day, as I walked through the streets I can feel the villargers giving their usual 'death' glare at me.

My sister and brother also known as temari and kankuro was one of the best shinobi in our village. Although I'm stronger than most shinobis in the hidden sand, most people just saw me as a weapon that they need to keep the village going.

I was lost in my thoughts before I saw a ball laying under my feet, not so long after a kid stood infront of me.

"Excuse me Sir may I have that ball back?" spoke the child in a gentle tone.

Just as I was going to pass the ball back , another kid jumped infront of them.

"RUN! This person is very dangrous! My mom told me that!" yelled the kid who jumped out of nowhere.

'Of course, everyone is the same' I thought to myself while staring at the back of the kids who had already abandoned their ball and ran away as fast as they can. 

I have no intentions of chasing them and returing the ball what so ever, they would just be more scared. 

I stared at the direction they ran for a bit by then decided to go back to the apartment that me and my siblings shared.

Ever since I was young temari and kankuro was the only one who didn't see me as a monster, back than even my own father thought of me as a monster and tried to kill me several times, but of coures failed because of my sand that protects me 100% of the times.

I smiled a bit at the thought of going back home and seeing the only people left on this world who cared for me to be waiting at the soaf with cooked dinner waiting on the dinning table.

The sun was already setting when I made my way to my apartment.

I couldn't help but feel something was off.

The apartment usually is filled with the sounds of people talking or playing music, but today the apartemnt was quiet.

As I made my way closer I felt something inside of me flinch; it was my killing intend. I haven't gotten the killing intention for years now, and I know I only get it nowadays if I smell fresh blood.

This time I had lost my cool.

I was no longer standing like my usual position; both of my arms crossed with that emotionless face that I carries around with me.

Now I was standing inside of an empty building like a lost child trying to find their parents.

My heart was beating faster and faster until I just can't take it anymore and ran as fast as I can to the room me and my siblings lived in.

It took me only 3 secouds to get there, now I was standing  before the door leading to our apatrment.

I took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Gaara?" said temari.

"you good? you look tried." said kankuro.

I heart beat finally slowed down, than I soon replied with "no worries, I'm just tried"

"OKAY! well I made ramen!" said temari happily.


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