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Gaara Pov:


As I walked lifelessly outside the grand wall that surrounds the place I once swore to protect.

I turned back one more time facing my "home". Back then, the only reason I stayed was because of them, now it's all gone... ((꒦໊ྀʚ꒦໊ི)sad pov lol)

I walked, and walked, ran than fell on my knees.

I stayed there for a while, hoping some strong blade would just cut off my neck without me knowing.

I've been walking for days yet I still can't seem to reach the end.

I was about to take a break since I had no idea where I was going.

That was until I hear two strong yet so familiar aura appear.

Whoever left such strong aura exposed must be very confident in their skills.

I wanted to hide somewhere so whoever was there weren't gonna find me.

But who am I kidding? I'm in the middle of a dessert! There is no where to hide.

The aura felt like they came from behind the sand hill I just passed by.

"Did I pass by these strange people? How did I not notice until now?" I thought.

I quietly made my way over to check what was going on.

That was when I heard a familiar voice coming from the hill.

" Neji? Are you sure we are heading the right direction? I swear I just saw him!" Said the familiar voice.

As I was distracted by their conversation while trying to remember who the voice belonged to, I felt something or someone suddenly appear behind me.

I felt like jumping away but I somehow wasn't able to.

I thought it was game over for me until a voice called.

"Ahhh Neji look!" Yelled a blonde hair boy with a big warm smile on his face.

I was kinda shocked when I realized the boy had a Leaf head band his neck. What was more shocking to find out was the fact that it had a visible crack on the leaf symbol.

'They are rouge ninjas?' I thought to myself.

I wanted to run away, as far as possible. But my feet won't listen, it's like my whole body was frozen.

I was really worried if anything would happen, that's when I heard another voice.

"Why are you scared of us?" said a boy with long black hair and a pair of charming white eyes.

"Yea why?!" Yelled the boy who was holding me hostage, somehow...

"Because you guys are rouge ninjas!" I cried.

"Hahaha!" Laughs the blonde boy.

"Aren't you one too? Aren't we all the same?" Asked the long haired boy.

"..." I was shocked by what I heard.

'Yea... I killed almost half of the ninjas in the hidden sand. I must have already been a rouge ninja' I thought.

"See" says the blonde boy, he suddenly let go of me and now had a smirk on his face.

These guys were having a conversation laughing and making jokes(only Naruto, Neji just kinda staring)

While I just stayed there looking at them, trying to find out how they found out the truth.

As I thought these guys probably forgot about my existence the boy with long black hair suddenly looked at me.

"My name is Neji and his name is Naruto, are you gaara of the sand?"said the long hair boy.

I nodded not wanting to speak more.

Long silence

After a long time I looked up just to find Naruto smiling at me.

"Give me your headband will ya?!" Said Naruto

'Huh' I thought.

As I was about to speak he suddenly took my head band.

"Hey! Give it back!" I yelled.

"There you go!" Said Naruto while putting on a bigger and warmer smile.

I quitely took back my headband, that's when I saw a crack over the sand symbol.

"Join us" said Neji.

'It's not a bad idea to join them right? Not like there's anything worse than what I've already done.' I thought.


I'm back! Anyone miss me?🤭🌚🫶❤️
No I wasn't busy and I had no reason to not write. I was just lazy🌚👍 

Time:1:47   Date : September 26 2023


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