Why do they hate me?

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Young Neji Pov: (like when Neji's dad died)


I couldn't believe what I saw today, I just came back from training and there it is.

My father's dead body laying infront of me.

I just stood there with the emotionless face that appared to be with me all the time, no tears no nothing.

I just couldn't believe they made my father give up on his own life just for the sake of the head family.

"Why?" I asked out loud not expecting an answer.

"It's for the sake of the head family" the 3rd hokage said (Hiashi is now the 3rd hokage).

I still couldn't believe this, I still am as confused.

'Just because that?' I thought to myself, 'just for the head family?'.

Isn't the head family soooo strong?

Why can't they handle the situation themselves?

Why does this always happen?!

My father's dead body was now no longer laying right in front of me, but on its way to the village hidden in the clouds.

Neji Pov: (back at 12 year old neji)

After everything I still can't forgive the head family.

I don't think I matter to them at all. Everyone thinks I'm some kind of strong weapon, a prodigy who was able to use lots of jutsu, a kid with no emotion what so ever.

They are right on 1 thing, I am a prodigy. Sadly they are wrong on the other two things; I do have emotions but only hate and anger was left after all these years.  I am not a strong weapon, I work for no others but myself.

It's right now in class, bekko sensei was talking about chakara and how to control them.

These things aren't new to me at all since I was already able to master all of them when I was 6.

I was about to go back to thinking about some other things until someone barged into the classroom and yelled me name.

"Neji Hyuga! Come with me right now!" It was another member from the head family, to my surprise they didn't have the usual cold face they carried all the time, instead he was furious  like he was going to kill me any second now if I don't come with him.

I was still sitting there not really caring what's gonna happen to me, it's not like they will kill their own prodigy in other words their only prodigy.

"Neji I think you should go," said bekko sensei after the head family member whispered in his ear.

'Things are getting serious I see' I thought one last time while I walked away with the head family member.

Throughout the entire way none of us spoke a single word. Not like I wanted to speak with these bitches anyway.

Yet I noticed something was off, we weren't heading to the Hyuga stronghold or anywhere related to the Hyuga family.

Instead we were going into the most dangerous forest of the hidden leaf village.

Before I could say or think another thing I was knocked out.

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