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Naruto Pov:


With my team growing bit by bit and my plans going just the way I'd wanted. It was finally time for me to continue the next step.

Me and my teammates were jumping for this tree to another, it was easy to tell that none of them were in much of a good mood.

Gaara haven't spoken a word after we started our journey to join the akatsuki.

While on the other hand neji was just leading us to where we would talk with the other members of the akatsuki.

"Kit, are you actually gonna join the akatsuki?" Asked kurama.

"Why not?" I answered.

"You know, I always thought that we were just gonna make a small team and take revenge?"


"You see kurama, I need someone to take the blame before we start the actual deal"

"Up to you then kiddo" answered kurama before going back to silent again.

" we're here" said neji as he stoped in front of a large waterfall.

"That's..." gaara said in a tone of hesitation.

"Woah! This is so cool! Is the waterfall gonna open and a super cool and luxury room would appear in front of us! And and!" I yelled in the excited voice that I'd always use during the classes back in the hidden leaf village.

Neji was shocked for a moment but soon went back to normal and started explaining. " this is one of the positions that members of the akastuki could meet  I will bring you guys  there but first I need to inform the group about you, so please wait for a bit while I speak among the group."

"Okay neji sensei!" I screamed while giving him a thumbs up.

Gaara didn't look like he was in the mood of speaking so I gave neji a sign to go and I would take care of gaara on the other hand.

Gaara was more innocent than I'd thought, and that innocence of his made my plan a lot harder. I'd thought that having to go throw a similar situation as me he would've ended up just like me but I guess I was wrong. Things sure go different with someone loving and caring for you.

"Gaara?" I asked while waving in front of him

"Yes?" He answered and finally looked at me.

" we need to talk" I said while taking off the " happy face"  that I've had on ever since I met him.

He was definitely shocked judging by how his facial expression changed so suddenly.

I know I must look terrible right now. The pale face caused by the lack of nutrients and the sudden disappearance of that huge grin.

" I know you have questions but let me explain." I said to him.

"Kit what are you doing? I can feel it, stop with that arua!" Screamed kurama.

It was almost instantly I stop exposing my arua to others. This place was not like the desert if someone comes trying to find the arua I could expose the akatsuki.

"You really need to learn now to control your emotions eh?" Said kurama.

I didn't answer him but continued my conversation with gaara.

"You see, we are the same. Me neji and you, we were all treated unfairly by those villagers. We all have a tailed beast inside of us. We all once tried to be a good person. They were the one who started it first. So why can't we fight back?"

"But? I.." gaara replied.

"Think about it, they tried to use us, control us. They never saw any of us as a normal functioning human being that has emtions. What's the point of helping them now eh? I raised my voice by a bit hoping that would make him wake up from that dream of his.

"Here, I give you 10 minutes to think about you decision, go back to those people who tried to kill you, or come with us and take your revenge." After that, I sat under the shadow of a tree and closed my eyes.

"Kit? What are you gonna do if the sand boy rejects you?" Asked kurama right after I closed my eyes.

"Kill him." I replied.

"Awww isn't that to bad, I thought the sand boy was gonna be a pretty good teammate."

"He's not going to be if he doesn't do what he's supposed to do. And you know me, I hate it when people try to manipulate me."

" I see..."

Kurama didn't give another word after that, I opened one of my eyes and I saw gaara sitting down around 5 meters in front of me.

His head was facing the ground  and the legs was laying straight. I wasn't able to see his expressions from my point of view but I suppose he probably doesn't look too happy at the moment.

Maybe it's because I haven't had anyone who really cared for me ever since the killing incident that happened when I was a child. I could never understand the people who are connected to one place because of someone else.

I never understood the word home, I've never had a home...

I hope he makes the right decision.


A/N: this was kind of a shorter chapter, I suppose I might be posting more because I'm going on a road trip that last for about 18 hours and I probably will be bored like hell so yea!🙃

update 2024 april 3rd, fixed some errors from last year. I was car sick so I didn't do much that year. but hey, i'm back now.


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