You want something, you take it

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Naruto Pov:


I'm not gonna lie, Gaara's reactions are pissing me off. I hate it when people keep on hesitating. The environment I grew up in didn't allow nor will the give me time for hesitation. I always had to react fast, or the next second I'll see their aexe on my neck.

Hesitation will do me no good since I know the second these villiagers get a chance to chop my head off, they would not hesitate.

So I wouldn't either.

'4, 3, 2...' I counted slowly in my head.

it was a habit of mine to not count to one. If they hesitated all that time before the last second came, they wouldn't change much last second.

'finish him' I thought flew through my head, and thats what I did.

In less than a second my shuriken flew inches from his neck.

What shocked me was that without his eyes opening, he was able to use his sand to block off my shuriken at last second.

It's not usual I miss my shots, or shall I say.

'whoever I wanted dead never stayed alive.'

"Patience kiddo" Gaara finally stood up from where the sat and walked towards me.

"Oh, you're saying that to me?" I almost laughed out loud from the word 'kiddo'

"you think you can say that to me?" I grinned and also got up from my orginal position.

"I've seen heard about you, in fact I've bascially heard about every Jinchūriki" Gaara replied.

He paused for a bit and added on :"You were born on October 10th, and I was in january so I have the right to call you 'kiddo'" Gaara spoke in a teasing tone which somehow calmed down Nartuo and allowed him to sit back down again.

"You've changed. What made you realise you past mistakes?" Naruto said with two hands holding his face up like a child in class seeking for education.

"By killing Temari and Kankuro they've bascially killed me, they tried to kill me so I would kill them. It's considered self-defense" Gaara replied with his arms crossed looking down upon Nartuo.

"Not exactly what I was looking for what I guess it's good enough coming from you."

There was a long period of silence between the two. One eyes closed laying comfortably in the shadows of a tree, the other standing not too far away. The sun burned over his body yet he seemed to not feel it whatsoever. Dark and Bright, what's the difference?

"Come on" a voice broke the silence, it was Neji.

Naruto and Gaara excahnged glances, somehow the two boys who didn't liked eachother at all just the second before instanly understood what they wanted.

If things doesn't end up well.

kill them.

They followed Neji deep into a strange cave, it just kept on going and going.

Finally after who knows how long they've walked for they finally arrived at a intersting looking chamber.

Neji sat down and soon the akatsuki members all appared in front of them.

"So these are the other Jinchūrikis that wants to join us?" Konan asked.

"Yes" Neji simply replied.

"I still don't understand why we have to let them join? can't we just kill them?" Asked Hidan.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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