Saskue pov back in the leafs

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Sasuke Pov:

(Back when in the hidden leaf before naruto took neji)


Today was originally the day that everyone in the academy would take their test and become a real shinobi, expect for naruto of course, he'd never pass.

I've always wanted to find out why brother would kill all the uchihas within one night, and why he'd kill mother and father too.

I know he must have some reasons of his, maybe he was forced?

I don't have a clue, all that I know is, if I become a real shinobi I would be seen as a real man, and just maybe the hokage would tell me the truth.

I thought as I stared outside the window waiting for the test to start.

The sensei was just talking about the things that we'd have to remember when you take the quiz.

I never paid attention to things like quizzes and testes. As a uchiha I was one of the prodigy among the children in the academy.

Today was oddly quiet, I looked around the room and was shocked when I realized the blonde boy with who always smiled and talked to me was gone.

There was a huge empty space in the classroom. It was where the blonde boy used to sit, kids didn't like sitting next to him so seats near him was always empty which makes it easier for me to spot him everyday.

Even though he isn't here today no one seemed to want to get close to there anyways.

I was kind of surprised that the little blonde boy wasn't here since he'd always talk about how much he wanted to become a shinobi.

I don't know why but for some reason I would always set my eyes on the blonde boy. It was almost as if he set some kind of spell on me.

"Uchiha Sasuke come to room 1002 please" yelled one of the senseis while checking off my name.

I stopped my thoughts and forced myself to focus on the knowledge that I've learned through out my entire life.

If I said I wasn't nervous I'd be lying, but on the surface I still have to act as if I was calm.

As I walked towards the door another round of annoyingly loud screams of those girls came sliding into my ears.

One of the loudest ones were from the pink head. I never liked her from the start. She wasn't nice nor was she smart. To be honest, she is a brat; the way she screams at naruto and looks at me blushing right afterwords is gross. It disgusts me.

I didn't bother to give the crowd a glance and headed right towards 1002.

"Excuse me." I said while entering the room.

"Uchiha Sasuke?" Said the sensei.

"Yes." I simply replied.

"Alright first, could you show me your cloning technique please?" Asked the sensei.

"Kage bunshin no jutsu" I said while putting my hands together.


A smoke appeared and three other clones appeared next to me.

"Ok not bad" the sensei said with a look of surprise in his eyes.


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