DaeHyun x YoungJae (1)

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YoungJae stared as DaeHyun pulled off his shirt, sweat dripping down his neck and breathing heavily. He bit his lip as the blonde ran his fingers through his blonde locks, his eyes fluttering closed..

"Jae? Are you even paying attention to the game?" HimChan's voice suddenly interrupted him from his thoughts. "Hm?"

"Aish. Stop staring at DaeHyun, he's not the only player on the team" YoungJae gulped. Who knew someone could look so sexy while playing basketball? "Hyung.. Are you not seeing this? Why is nobody else reacting to his sexiness?" YoungJae asked as his eyes locked with DaeHyun's.

"Because you're the only one who's in love with him"

Staring into the blonde's eyes, YoungJae gulped when DaeHyun winked at him. He was doing this on purpose. "Please tell me you saw that" YoungJae said to HimChan, his eyes never leaving DaeHyun. "Yepp. I saw it. What're you gonna do about it?" The older asked but YoungJae simply shrugged. "He's showing his abs to so many fangirls. Those are for my eyes only. I need to show my boyfriend how to be a good boy and make him know his boundaries"

HimChan shuddered, making a disgusted face. "Ew. I did not need to know that. Please, for future references, keep your personal activities to yourself" The younger chuckled at his hyung before glancing over at DaeHyun who was talking to a girl who was sat on a bench. His blood boiled when he saw the girl place her hand on DaeHyun's bare shoulder. He did not like that one bit..

All of a sudden, YoungJae stood up which confused HimChan. "Jae, where are you going?" He asked, eyebrow raised. "Home. Tell that pabo to be home for 5, I'll be waiting" And with that, he left the sports hall.

DaeHyun, who was side ways glancing at YoungJae, was startled to see his boyfriend leave. His eyes followed the younger's figure until he could no longer be seen. 'Oh shit' He knew he had pissed off YoungJae. It wasn't on purpose. Well, it kinda was. DaeHyun wanted to tease the younger by acting sexy and seducing him and he was pretty sure YoungJae was enjoying it. However, he didn't intentionally talk to that girl. She was just a fan and DaeHyun thought that it was an innocent gesture.

Boy, was he wrong..

The blonde looked into the crowd at HimChan who shook his head, not amused. "Well damn.." DaeHyun muttered before sitting down on the benches. He picked up his phone and there was message from HimChan.

Yah, Jae said be at the house at 5pm. Don't be late or he might kill you

DaeHyun let out a small sigh. He just dug his own grave..


"Babe? I'm home"

DaeHyun shut the front door behind him as he took off his shoes. "I'm in the bedroom" He heard YoungJae's voice but he didn't hear the slightest bit of annoyance in it. Confused, the blonde made his way up the stairs and into his and YoungJae's shared bedroom. As he opened the door, his face dropped and his lips parted to see YoungJae lying on the bed in only a silk robe and his boxers.

"You're late. It's 5:10" The younger casually said. DaeHyun gulped, he could only focus on his boyfriend's half naked body and not the words being said. "I.. I, erm, was walking today.. and.. I was tired s-so I walked slowly.." He managed to say, his eyes travelling down to his boyfriend's pale, milky skin. "Oh really?" YoungJae said as he threw his magazine to the side, staring into the blonde's eyes. "Or were you flirting with some sluts?"

DaeHyun stuttered slightly as his boyfriend glared intensely at him. "N-No, J-Jae it wasn't what it looked like..-" "Save it. I know what I saw, DaeHyun. And I am not happy" The blonde gulped when the younger slowly sat up, his legs spreading slightly. "Well.. what are you going to do about it?" He asked, a bit more confident. YoungJae simply shrugged. "I need to teach my boyfriend a lesson, show him who he belongs to"

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