Jimin x Jungkook (1)

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New Kid

Jimin watched as the younger boy entered the classroom. He watched as he introduced himself to the class, smiling cutely while doing so. He smirked as he was devising a small plan to get closer to the boy. He had to, he wanted to, he needed to. The boy was the one person to distract him from everything. Jimin needed him. "Okay, Jungkook-ah. You can go sit next to Hoseok in the middle row"

Jimin grinned. It was the seat right in front of his. Jungkook nodded and bowed his head slightly before walking to his seat. As he was walking, his eyes widened when he saw Jimin who was simply smirking. 'Oh crap..' The younger thought as he sat down in the seat beside Hoseok and directly in from of Jimin. He never would've thought to see Jimin in this school. "Hi, I'm Hoseok. Nice to meet you"

Jungkook turned his head and smiled at the latter. "Hi~ I'm Jungkook. Nice to meet you too" He got out his stuff and prepared himself for the lesson. "Can I see your timetable?" Hoseok asked, earning a nod from Jungkook who took it out from his pocket. "Ah, you have all the same lessons as me. That's great~ You can follow me around if you like"

Jungkook smiled brightly and nodded. "Thank you!" Hoseok chuckled at the younger's cuteness before the two focussed on the lesson.


"Hyung, can I ask you something?"


"What do you know about Park Jimin?"

Hoseok raised an eyebrow at that question, slowly turning his head to glance at Jimin who was sat behind them. The latter wasn't paying attention to lesson and was staring out the window. "Jimin..? Well, he's the school's biggest playboy. I personally don't like him but others seem to. Why? How do you know Jimin?"

Jungkook bit his tongue. He probably shouldn't have mentioned Jimin's name. "I, er, heard about him in my old school"

"Really? Wow, seems like Jimin is well known.."

Jungkook let out a small sigh. 'Seems like Jimin hasn't changed..' He thought as he stared at his desk. The teacher excused himself for a few minutes, leaving the class alone. The students all broke out into conversations, loud chatter erupting the class. "Hoseok hyung" A different student called, causing Hoseok to turn to his left. As he did so, Jimin stood up to go to the pencil sharpner at the front of the class.

Before going there, passing Jungkook, he bent down and whispered into the younger's ear. "Hey babe, meet me here at lunch" He said before heading to the front of the class. Jungkook widened his eyes as he heard that. He was not expecting Jimin to actually speak to him.

His previous relationship with Jimin was purely.. physical. And that's why he ended it. And that Jimin left. But he couldn't take it anymore, he couldn't act like it was just two friends playing around with each other because he fell in love with the older. Sadly, he had the unfortunate luck of transferring to the school Jimin transferred to.

"Yah, Jungkook!"

The latter was snapped out of his daydream when he heard Hoseok call-in him. "Ah, sorry hyung. What did you need?"

"I asked if you were okay. You spaced out for a while"

The younger sheepishly smiled. "I'm fine. I was just.. collecting my thoughts" Hoseok simply nodded even though he knew there was something suspicious. He chose to ignore it since he just became friends with Jungkook and didn't want to pry into his life.

Sighing, Jungkook stared down at his notebook. It was finally time to speak to Jimin again. He just had to wait until lunch...


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