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Alex's POV:

I sit in a small opening in a forest far from my base. A few shulker boxes are set down with the things most important to me. Two cats laying on the small roll of wool I had slept on last night. I had to leave my base due to some issues with a few beings called Watchers. My Father had told me of them, and that we are to stay as far away as them as possible. I think it's more due to the fact he is a Time Traveler, and sometimes the Watchers have plans for things in the future that they don't want players to see. Thinking back on a few things my fathers told me, I think maybe what my father told me about my Update is way different now. 1.19 is right around the corner, which means the update I'm from is the update I'm in. I have yet to see any of the things my father had mentioned. I have seen a few things about the 1.19 update, but only through some videos, since I'm afraid with how finicky the code is in snapshots, it could mess something up with mine, and I could cease to exist.

I open up my console, opening up the code of my world. I had found a ruined portal when I got here and fixed it up knowing it'd be useful for getting out of this world, since the Watchers have cut off my contact with the Hub. Which also means the off world chat. I set up some redstone connected to the portal, setting up the code to have this portal work as a temporary Server transporter. It'll most likely drain the power of my console, causing a few effects I have applied to myself will no longer apply. I sigh as I put in the server IP.

"Hopefully this works."

I grab all my things, wisping away my cats to a safe area I can access later. I step into the portal frame hooking up my console. I take a deep breath before I hit the join button. Hoping there's enough power to get me out of here.


Scar's POV:

"Thanks for the extra Totems Impulse! They're very much appreciated!" I smile waving back to the man who had just delivered me some totems.

"No problem Scar!"

I smile, Impulse has been in a really happy mood lately. I'm unsure why, but honestly I think the whole server has. There's just a nice vibe in the air today. I put away a few totems into an Ender Chest humming a bit. I hear a few small jingles to my right as I close the chest. "Well hello there Jellie. . . Penny and Xander." I look at the two other cats confused for a moment. These two cats only appear here when their owner is in a situation that requires moving things far distances off world. "Is Alex moving worlds?" I ask the two cats. The smaller one, Penny looks at me meowing. I get a little worried, Penny doesn't meow to anyone but Alex the way she is. I look at my cat knowing the bond I have with her is stronger. "Jellie is everything alright?" The room fills with tension, and with that I know that Alex is in trouble. I take out my communicator, opening up the off world messenger.

"Scar! Are Alex's cats here?" Someone calls from my front door. I open it using my magic seeing Wels, Xisuma, Tango and Impulse run in.

"Yes they are, is everything alright?"

Xisuma speaks up. "I'm not too sure on the details, but apparently Alex was live last night. The stream ended abruptly due to them noticing something off. Tango told me that before the stream ended he saw Their symbol engraved into an area, near their base.

"Well their cats are here so they're most likely trying to go off world."

"That's an issue Scar, if They are in Alex's Server then they have no access to the hub or servers."

"That's not true." Impulse states, his hand going to scratch at the back of his head, as he does when nervous. "You all know, Alex's Father is a Traveler, and one of the ways he travels is through portals. If he taught Alex anything they'd be able to leave the server and go to another one." He pauses. "Wels, go look around the server for a portal connected to redstone."

A ding sounds from my communicator.

DocM77-Xisuma-Welsknight-ImpulseSV-TangoTek-GoodTimeWithScar> Guys get to spawn now. It's urgent.

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