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"MAYBE I did something wrong." Olivia said with a small pout as she applied white nail polish on her toenails. She held the phone to her ear with her shoulder as she blew air on her nails. "Shawn hasn't really talked to me ever since our kiss on New Year's."

Sure she saw Shawn at school, but it seemed like every time she tried to talk or approach him, he would run the other way or immerse himself in a deep conversation with Cory. She was hurt, confused, and a little angry. She's kissed Shawn once before and he never acted like this. So why was it different now? If he only saw her as a friend, why would this second kiss make any difference to him?

"He's probably just trying to sort out his feelings." Topanga said over the phone. "If that kiss was as magical as you described it, he's probably feeling a lot of emotions right now. Just give him some time to figure things out."

Olivia let out a small sigh as she nodded her head, placing the nail polish on her nightstand. "Yeah, you're right." She admitted. "I just hope he figures out his feelings soon. I miss the days when he didn't practically pee his pants every time I tried talking to him."

Topanga let out a laugh and Olivia cracked a small smile. "So are you sure you can't come study with us at Cory's house?" She asked as she laid back on her bed, waving her feet in the air so they could dry faster. "As much as I love you guys, I cannot study with you all." Topanga replied. "I would be too distracted and I would most likely forget about studying all together. Also, I cannot fail this test."

Olivia nodded her head, playing with the phone cord. "You have a point." She said with a small laugh. "Well, I'm gonna get dressed and head over there. Wish me luck!"

"You got this, Liv!" Topanga said encouragingly. The girl smiled and put the phone back on the hook and got up from her bed. "You can do this. You're the Olivia Moore. A silly boy can't shake you!" She exclaimed as she gave herself a pep talk. "Now let's go!"


      Awkward. That's the word Olivia would use to describe her current situation. Pure and complete awkwardness. She was in Cory's kitchen, sitting down at the table with Cory sitting next to her and Shawn sitting across from her.

      The trio had been studying, well, Olivia had been studying for an hour and a half now while Cory and Shawn had been playing paper football. Unfortunately, Shawn had been ignoring her, if not even more than the usual. She tried to talk to him, but each time she tried, he shut her down completely. So instead of trying to speak to him, she just decided to study for the upcoming test they had in Feeny's class.

      "You know what's the best thing about studying at your house?" Shawn asked as began making a paper airplane. "The lighting in the bathroom?" Cory inquired. Olivia looked up from her textbook and let out a small laugh. "That's a weird answer." She said with a small grin on her face.

      Shawn shook his head and leaned back in the chair. "No Feeny. It's like a Feeny-less sanctuary. My kind of place." The boy said with a satisfied sigh. A knock at the back door interrupted their conversation. They turned their attention to the door and saw Mr. Feeny with a grin on his face. "Morning." He said cheerily.

      "Well, speak of the devil." Olivia said as she got up from her chair, walking to the back door. She opened the door, letting the teacher inside. "Hey Mr. Feeny. How's my favorite principal and teacher in the whole wide world doing?" She asked with a smile.

      "I'm doing swell, Ms. Moore." He replied, giving the girl a small nod as he walked over to Shawn and Cory. "Ready for the test, gentlemen?" Shawn nodded his head and placed a hand on his textbook. "See? My textbook's right here." Shawn replied.

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