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      OLIVIA watched from her bed as Topanga applied a coat of lip gloss on her lips, rubbing them together. "So, Topi, are you ready for tonight?" She asked her friend excitedly as she placed the fashion magazine she was reading on her lap.

      Topanga ran her fingers through her hair, smiling at her reflection before turning around to face her friend. "Of course! New's Years is so romantic." Her friend gushed, clasping her hands together. Olivia raised an eyebrow, tilting her head slightly. "What do you mean romantic?" She questioned.

Topanga hummed and walked over to the window, looking at outside dreamily. "You know, the big New Year's kiss." She replied, a small smile on her face. "During all the chaos and celebration, you and the person you treasure the most come to together and share a magical kiss to bring in the new year." Topanga sighed, a happy look on her face. She turned back to look at Olivia. "Isn't that just so dreamy?"

Olivia shrugged, putting the magazine on her nightstand. "I dunno. Maybe when you have someone you treasure or someone that you're dating." She answered. She got up from her bed, walking over to her mirror. "But, for us single people, a New Year's Kiss is just a thing that is optional." She hummed as she brushed her hair. Topanga sighed and crossed her arms. "You know, you could not be single if you just gave Ricky a chance." The girl suggested. "Didn't you and him have a good time on your date? You two even kissed!"

     Olivia put her brush down on her vanity, letting at out a sigh. "I like Ricky, I do, and we had an amazing time together. It's just...it's just the kiss." She started, shaking her head. "It wasn't magical, my world didn't stop, there were no butterflies. It was just his lips on mine. Topi, I felt nothing. Not like I did with...you know." She looked down at her fingers, fiddling with them. She shook her head and placed a small on her face. "But, never mind that. Tonight's about new beginnings and having fun!" She told her friend.

     Topanga nodded and gave her friend a warm smile. "And the first step to a fun night is a cute outfit." She added. "So, put away the flared jeans and crop tops and bust out the party dresses!" Olivia pouted slightly, crossing her arms. "I like my flared jeans." She mumbled underneath her breath.

      Topanga smiled and walked over to her closet, shuffling through countless articles of clothing. "Liv, we need to talk about your obsession with overalls." Topanga teased. Olivia stuck her tongue out at her, letting out a small giggle. "Hey, Tiger Beat said that overalls are totally in right now." She said with a small shrug.

     Topanga gathered a few articles of clothing, humming softly. "Okay! Your outfits is done! Now, let's move onto your New Year's makeover!" The girl squealed, clapping her hands together happily. "Tonight, you're gonna look so good every boy is gonna he dying to be your New Year's kiss." Olivia let out a small laugh, nodding her head. "Let's do it!" She said excitedly.


"Topi, are you sure I don't look weird?" Olivia asked for the umpteenth time as they walked to Cory's house. Topanga sighed and looked at her friend. "Liv, you look beautiful." She reassured her friend. Olivia nodded her head and gave her a small smile. "Thank you for doing all this for me. I've never felt this pretty in my life." She said softly, fixing the dress she had on. "Anything for my bestie." The girl smiled, linking their arms together.

The two of them walked up to the Matthews' front porch, crossing over the threshold. Olivia took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself. She didn't know why she was so nervous. Maybe it was because she's in clothes she rarely would ever wear or maybe it's because Shawn would be seeing her in these clothes.

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