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OLIVIA ran up to Cory quickly, standing between him and Shawn. "Did you tell Topanga that you loved her?" She blurted out, looking up at the curly haired boy. "You told Topanga you loved her?" Shawn asked in disbelief. Cory gave a sheepish smile and shrugged his shoulders. "Oh my gosh!" Olivia squealed, wrapping her arms around him, hugging him tightly. She pulled away, placing her hands on his shoulders, smiling widely.

"My two best friends, deeply in love. Ah, I can hear the bells already." She said dreamily as she let go of his shoulders, walking off slightly as she started to daydream. "You, Topanga, in Bora Bora. Her in her majestic wedding gown, you in your dashing tuxedo. The two of you holding hands at the altar, so lost into each other's eyes, you barely can repeat your vows. And then, after the 'I do's', you both share a passionate kiss while the sun sets behind you. Oh jeepers, Cor, that's so romantic." She gushed, looking back at the two boys.

Shawn raised an eyebrow, chuckling at the girl. "Livy, I think you need to lay off the daytime soap operas." He teased. She stuck her tongue out at him, walking back over to them. "I can't believe you told Topanga you loved her." Olivia said excitedly, clapping her hands. "Yeah, I can't believe it." Shawn said sarcastically.

      "Once word gets around what you told Topanga, every girl's gonna wanna hear it." Olivia looked up at him, a confused look on his face. "What? 'I love you?'" She asked. Shawn quickly covered her mouth with his hand, looking around the hall. "Sh! You're like a stinking canary!" He hushed.

     She licked his hand which caused him to pull it away quickly, a disgusted look on his face. "Come on, Shawn. I mean, I don't believe telling Topanga I love her is gonna affect anybody but me and her." Cory shrugged off.

      Eric was walking by with some girl and Shawn walked over to them quickly, tapping the older boy's shoulder. "Hey, Eric, Eric. Guess what? Cory told Topanga he loved her." Shawn told him. Eric's face fell for a short moment, but he quickly put a smile on.

      "Oh!" The girl awed. "Grandma Topanga, what's not to love?" Eric replied, forcing out a laugh. "You have such an adorable little brother." The girl on Eric's arm cooed, looking over at Cory.  "I sure do, don't I? Christi, I'll catch up with you, OK?" Eric smiled as he grabbed Cory by the back of the neck, squeezing tightly as he sent the girl off.

     He watched the girl walked off before turning to Cory, letting go of his neck. "What could you possibly be thinking? Christi's gonna expect me to tell her that I love her." Eric told his brother, shaking his head. "Oh, man, I gotta do something now. Think. You gotta think, Eric. Ow."

     "Thinking cramp?" Shawn asked knowingly. "Yeah." Eric muttered as he rubbed his temples. "I get those, too." Shawn nodded in understanding.  "All right. Christi, I love you. Christi, I love you. Christi, I-I don't even know her last name. Great, I gotta think. Ow!" Eric went on as he walked off.

     "You see, Cor? Thanks to you, dating as we know it at John Adams High is over." Shawn sighed, shaking his head. Olivia crossed her arms, laughing at her friends. "What's so wrong with telling a girl how you truly feel?" She asked, looking between the two of her friends. "Are you kidding me? It gives the girl too much power if you tell them how you feel. You gotta keep them guessing. That's how you win." Shawn replied.

     Olivia flicked Shawn's nose rolling her eyes. "Power? Are we talking about a monarchy right now or a relationship? Love's not a game, Shawn. That way of thinking is just dumb and immature." She stated.

      She turned to look at Cory, a smile on her face. "I'm sure everything's all right with you and Topanga, Cor." She assured the curly haired boy. "Are you kidding me? From this moment on, Topanga will be a gushing, love-struck puppy, hanging on to your every word." Shawn said knowingly as he wrapped an arm around Cory.

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