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      "'STEPHANIE and Todd invite you to a dinner party at Todd's place. Couples only.'" Cory read out loud. "Shawn, that's discrimination. It leaves out a lot of people who have committed themselves to the single life. People like you, Olivia, and me."

     Olivia sipped on her cola and looked at Cory. "Cor, Shawn's making out with some girl." She pointed out, gesturing over to their friend. "Shawn!" Cory called out. Shawn pulled away from the girl, a dazed look on his face. "Huh?" He asked. "Remember in health class, that section on the movement of blood? I understand it now." He said as he went back to kiss the girl.

     Olivia cringed slightly and picked up one of her fries, throwing it at him. "Ew." She cringed. "Fine, bail on your best friend." Cory huffed.

     Shawn sighed and said goodbye to the girl. "Cory, just ask a girl and you can go too." He replied. "Look, there's Wendy. You know her, you like her. Ask her to be your girlfriend."

     "Just for the party? That's not right." Olivia pointed out. "It is right." Shawn countered.

     "Is not." She argued.

     "Is too." He shot back.

     "Is not!"

     "Can you two quit flirting and help me?" Cory asked, with a small huff. "Listen, Cor. It is right. You're supposed to do that. You're thinking too much. Do what I do - don't think." Shawn instructed. Olivia rolled her eyes and looked at the two of them. "You're hopeless." She said in defeat. Cory got up, fixing his shirt. "Alright, I'm going in." He said, giving them both two thumbs up.

     Olivia shook her head as she watched the curly haired boy walk up to Wendy.  "You know, it wouldn't kill you to be a gentleman for once." She scoffed, looking at Shawn. "Girls don't think like boys do. We have feelings and aren't dumb." She pointed. "Yeah, yeah. Eat your fries." He dismissed as he held a fry up to her mouth. She gave him a dirty look before taking a bite. "Jerk." She mumbled. "Dork." He countered, feeding her another fry which she ate graciously.

     Cory walked back over to them, a smile on his face. "Guys! Hey, look at me, I'm a couple." He said happily. Shawn hi-fived him and nodded his head. Olivia sighed and looked at Cory. "Just...don't break her heart, Cory. She's a sweet girl." She pleaded, eating another one of her fries.

She turned to look at Shawn, humming softly. "So Shawn, do you have a date to this couple party?" She asked, playing with her hair. "Nah, I'm playing the field right now." He said cooly as he leaned back. "Cool! Let's go together." She replied, a grin on her face. "You two? A couple?" Cory asked, looking between his two friends. Olivia laughed and shook her head. "No, we aren't a couple, but I want to go to the party and I don't want to ask some random guy." She replied as she slid out the booth. She looked at Shawn, a smile on her face. "Pick me up a 5, 'kay?" She ruffled his hair before walking up the steps and out the doors of Chubbie's.

     "Well, okay." Shawn commented. "Guess I have a date now."


Olivia sat in front of Topanga's mirror while her friend applied makeup on her face. "So, you and Shawn?" She teased. Olivia rolled her eyes playfully, shaking her head. "Topi, he's my best friend. And I only asked him because I wanted to go to the party, but didn't want to ask some meathead." She reminded her. Topanga hummed, applying a coat of lip gloss on her friend's lips. "Whatever you say, Liv." She replied. "Done."

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