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"You did good out there." Delilah told me as we walked back the assistant's door, up the stairs.

Delilah was currently escorting me to Cole's office. Why? That's the thing, neither one of us know. He only told her to bring me here.

Maybe it's about something that happened years ago...

"Thank you." I replied back. As soon as we made it to the door I grabbed onto her hand when she was about to walk back down the stairs. She looked at me in confusion.

"I'm sorry that you didn't get to be in charge of everything... earlier I could tell you were pretty upset. I just started working here but I can tell that you-" I began but stopped when she laughed, pulling me in for a hug.

"Orabella... you really are something you know that? Now I see why you're Monica's best friend. But it makes me happy to know that you care about me. I'll be fine. See you later!" She spoke out with a warm smile on her face before leaving.

I turned back towards the door, debating on whether or not I should go in or just leave. What did he want?

After a few moments I knocked on the door, my heart racing. "Come in." I shuddered out how deep his voice was, walking in.

After shutting the door behind me I saw that he was sitting on an expensive looking couch, looking over some papers. When I made it closer to him he then looked up at me.

I couldn't tell what he was thinking. He seemed distant, his expression blank as usual.

"You needed me?" I asked, him setting the papers aside. He nodded his head before standing, making me back away. Before I could get too far he grabbed a hold of my chin, forcing me to look up at him.

"Why are you here? Are you trying to accomplish something? You wanna kill me?" He asked bluntly.

I looked at him in shock, I was not expecting him to do that. When I tried moving away he only tightened his hold on my chin.

"What the fuck Cole! I'm here because I want to be, how was I even suppose to know that you'd be here?" I asked him.

A deep laugh came from him before he let go of my chin, creating some distance between us.

"You really expect me to believe that? You not only met my uncle but my dad too. The man that killed your crazy ass father. So you're just here to what, earn some extra cash?" He asked. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at how sarcastic he was.

"If I were you, I'd never want to work in a place that's supervised by the murderer of my father." He added.

"Don't you talk about my father. You have no right!" I yelled out.

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