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"I- I swear I don't know anything about him!" He yelled out while backing away from me in fear

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"I- I swear I don't know anything about him!" He yelled out while backing away from me in fear.

I was quick to grab ahold of his shirt, punching him in the face before Lukas pulled me away from him. I watched as two of my men grabbed the guy before forcing him to sit back in the chair.

It's been about a few weeks since Orabella and I had got back from Italy. After Alessandro gave me the file on Elijah, I managed to find a few people he was close to.

I needed answers, and I was going to get them.

I stood in front of him before bending down slightly to look him in the eyes, "Listen Ross, I would like to get this over with as well... but if you keep making this longer than it has to be, then so be it. Now, I'm going to ask you again. What's the relationship between Elijah and Leo? And what are they after?" I asked again.

After a few moments he then sighed out loudly before looking at me with a bored expression, "You know... this isn't so bad. Ever since you've been hanging around that woman, you've become soft. I don't have to tell you-" He began before I grabbed two of his fingers, bending them back until that snapped.

I laughed as he screamed out in agony, holding onto his hand for dear life, "Soft? Is that how everyone sees me now? Well... I guess I'll just have to make a example out of you" I replied back before punching him, tears streaming down his face.

I grabbed ahold of his face, "Tell me Ross, do you have a family?" I asked him, watching as he slowly nodded his head.

"I'd hate to be that guy. But when I'm done with you, I hope you know who I'm going after next" I stated before punching him in the gut, him soon falling out the chair with a loud thump.

"P-please don't bring them in this! They're innocent-" He began.

"I don't give a damn! None of this would be happening if you'd just tell me what I want to know. After I'm done with you, I'm going after Elijah and then your family" I spat out before kicking him.

I then felt a hand on my shoulder, "Cole maybe we should should try talking-" Lukas began. I shook his hand off of me before walking forward, "I'm done talking"

If anyone's gone soft, it's definitely him.

I then crouched in front of him, "It's been about four hours, and you've done nothing but waste my time. I think it's time-" I began while taking out my pocketknife.

"I'll talk... I'll talk alright!" He cried out, looking at me with so much hatred.

I laughed at the sight before nodding my head, standing back up, "Alright then, go ahead"

"Before I do... you have to promise that you'll protect my family. They will kill me" He pleaded. After a few moments I agreed.

"Okay, I promise to watch over them"

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