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"Here's the file I got on him" Lukas spoke out before handing it to me

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"Here's the file I got on him" Lukas spoke out before handing it to me.

I quickly opened it before taking a look at the last few things he's been up to for the past two years.

"He's been arrested a few times. Most were during his teenage days where he'd be caught stealing. The last few times were for constant abuse... are you sure this is Orabella's brother?" He then asked as I continued to look over the documents.

A small sigh escaped from me, "He definitely is her brother... there's no doubt about it" I spoke out before tossing the file on the other side of the desk.

It's been a few days since Bella met up with her brother, and she won't even tell me what they talked about. She only showed me a picture of them together and what she ate but that's it.

What if he's trying to turn her against me?

"Dude, why don't you just chill out? It's so obvious that you two can't live without each other. I don't understand why you won't just ask her out... she's not going to abandon you Cole, she just wants to get to know her brother better" Lukas spoke out, now patting my back.

"I know... I just don't want her to get hurt again. She doesn't have time for a boyfriend right now, and I don't even know if he's trustworthy. What if she makes him upset and he hits her while I'm not around?" I asked before standing.

"We're tracking this motherfucker down-" I began before I was roughly pulled back.

"Damnit Cole! Let's not take it that far. What if Orabella finds out? You're only gonna make yourself look crazy as hell. Getting a file on him should be good enough.

Besides, these things happened a long time ago, I'm sure he's changed." Lukas spoke out before plopping himself on the couch.

"I don't think I can trust this guy... he must have some motive" I muttered out before going back to my seat.

"Maybe, or he could just want to know more about his little sister" Lukas replied back.

"So... what are we going to do about Faith?" He then asked, causing me to look at him in confusion.

A small sigh came from him before he spoke, "I know you heard about the fight she had with one of the other dancers downstairs. Ever since she found out about you and Bella, she's been acting out" He told me.

"Fire her" I spoke out. He then sat up, looking at me in shock.

"Fire her? But her dad-" He began.

"What about him? You're the owner of that place now. You shouldn't have to ask me what to do" I spoke out, cutting him off.

Her dad knows not to try and cross us. I only kept Faith around for the people, but there are others that are now bringing in a bigger crowd.

Like Orabella...

Lukas stayed quiet for a moment before agreeing, "Alright... but you should really come back. It just isn't the same without you. Some guys are trying to violate the rules about touching the dancers now that you're not around. The guards are handling it but who knows how long that's gonna last"

I sighed out before looking at my phone, "I'll think about it"

"Welcome back" Someone spoke out as I walked past the bar, turning around to see that it was Delilah and Dillion

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"Welcome back" Someone spoke out as I walked past the bar, turning around to see that it was Delilah and Dillion.

I couldn't help but smile as I looked at the two, "It's good to be back"

Just as I was about to walk to the back room, Delilah had stopped me.

"I just wanted to apologize for distancing myself from you... Cole has been through a lot and it just made me upset when I found out that you were using him at first. You're a really nice person, and Cole has a lot of trust in you. If you're up for it, I'd still like to be friends" Delilah explained.

After that, the two of us hugged before I made my way to the changing room.

"Orabella!" A familiar voice shouted out just as I was about to walk into my room, looking over to see Kayleigh.

Seeing her reminded me of the night where I embarrassed myself in front of Cole. I haven't been drunk since... I can't even look at a drink anymore.

She then rushed towards me before grabbing onto my hand, "I am so sorry for what happened at my party! I wasn't thinking straight and thought you could handle it" She spoke out with a smile on her face.

I couldn't help but look at her weirdly. Was this suppose to be an apology? She practically made me get drunk and eat stuff. It was obvious that every word from her mouth was a lie. I bet she's really close with Faith.

I smiled back at her before pulling my hand away, "I would appreciate it if you don't touch me again... we're not friends" I spoke out before opening the door, closing it before she could respond.

What is up with these people?

I sighed out before walking towards my closet, looking at all the outfits and lingeries to choose from. I was glad to be back... but things didn't feel the same without Cole being here.

My mind then went to the last time I was with him. He looks and acts so different from when we were kids... but he's still considerate when it comes to others.

He's a big softie, and that's why I love him.

I love Cole... but what if it's too early? I did say I wanted to take things slow.

A sudden knock on my door brought me out of my thoughts, "You almost ready Babydoll?" The director, Samantha asked.

"Yeah just give me a minute" I told her before quickly slipping into one of the lingeries and outfits.

After opening the door I was pulled in a tight embrace by Samantha. I smiled before hugging her back. She led me towards the stage before give me a small peck on the cheek.

"Do your best hun" She whispered out before pushing me forward. I walked through the curtains as my name was called, the crowd cheering when they saw me.

I found myself smiling as I began to move my body to the beat of the music, messing with my hair.

It felt good to be back.


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(Sorry for the short chapter)

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