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"Omg! Congratulations girl, you're going to be a mom!" Delilah exclaimed as I sat in front of the bar

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"Omg! Congratulations girl, you're going to be a mom!" Delilah exclaimed as I sat in front of the bar.

I couldn't help but laugh at how excited she was, "Thank you... I'm a bit nervous though" I admitted.

"Oh please! As many times you've been over there, you'll be fine!" She reassured me.

Today was my day off but I had nothing better to do, so I decided to stop by the club. I was also suppose to be going over to Cole's parents house to deliver the news. I don't know why, but I was a nervous wreck.

Cole took me to the doctor the other day and I learned that I was two months pregnant, so I wasn't really showing at the moment. I've been wondering if I should tell my brother or not, I'm not sure on how he'd react.

Cole had business to tend to, and I was kind of glad. I love him dearly, but he has been worrying nonstop. He makes sure I'm comfortable before going to bed, is always there to comfort me, and feeds me well. He's all I ever wanted.

"Yeah... maybe you're right" I replied back before sipping on the glass of water.

"Hey... isn't that your brother?" She then asked before pointing to the entrance.

I turned around to see that it was in fact him. He stood there looking around before he eyes landed on me. He smiled before making his way to us.

"Orabella! I've been looking for you. Why haven't you answered any of my calls or texts?" He asked, slightly pouting.

Last time I spoke to him was when he embarrassed me in front of Cole. I've been meaning to check up on him and see if he got his act together. But whenever he'd call or text me, I would just ignore it.

"I've been busy... sorry" I muttered out.

He then frowned at my response before sitting next to me, "Listen Bella... I'm sorry for how I acted back then. It was childish and uncalled for. I just want to make sure he's treating you right. You know that his family-" He began before Delilah cleared her throat.

"What about his family?" Delilah then stepped in, raising an eyebrow. He looked at her in confusion before speaking, "Who the hell is this chick? This doesn't concern you"

"This chick, has a name. I'm Delilah Knight, Cole's first cousin. So this does in fact concern me since you mentioned his family" She bluntly stated.

After a few moments he sighed out before shaking his head, "Just forget about it" He spoke out before looking my way.

"There's something I want to show you. Is it alright if I take you there?" He then asked. I looked at him for a while before debating.

"Alright. But I can't be gone for long, I have things to do" I told him before getting up, him doing the same.

Orabella | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now